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Thursday, March 1, 2007



If you've been reading my blogs for awhile, you know I don't sleep well anyway, and not for nearly as long as the human body needs to stay healthy and function at the top of the game.

But, it's even worse when "He" is not here, thank goodness he's not gone long...or often.

I could be watching TV but why when there's GoogleVideo?

I thought now would be a good time to give you "lurkers" (people that read but don't comment) and "what-iffers" (people that WANT to click on my blog links to see where it takes them, but are just afraid of "what if") a quick Bloggin' 101...for dummies--sorry, I couldn't resist :0)

First, just about everything that is posted on any of my (or other's) blogs will take you somewhere else, if you'll just "click."

By anything posted, I mean anything on any post on my blog. For instance:
1) go to the right-hand side and scroll down a little to: Be Bored No More...
2) look at which "link" looks interesting to you, and click it
3) this will take you into the blog or website for that link
4) to get back to my blog, just click "back" like you normally would on any website

Now, just like my blog, anything you click on anyone else's blog, will take you further.

Some blogs are full of links to commercial websites and then some are what I call "normal" and look alot like mine--just people out there blogging for their sanity and the community with other bloggers.

There is an infinite number of blogs out there and you could literally spend eight hours a day on your computer and still be "swimming" out there. It's interesting to see what's out there; I recently happened onto a blogging community of believing women and many of them own their own businesses and work from home--I have them on my blog.

Be warned, that not all the links on my blog are G-rated and some promote beliefs a little out there for me, but I like to see what's happening, nonetheless. I daily catch an emergent church blog even though I'm not sure where I stand on it yet, just getting information...the people are definitely real, not your standard plastic, smiling church Ken and Barbie-types standing under the big, white steeple. I like real "church" people.

That's another blog for another time.

Remember that nobody can get your personal info unless you give it to them and they cannot track back to your email address or anything like that.

Try my blog out first, if you haven't already, until you get comfortable enough to go lurking elsewhere. Click on anything and everything and see where you go--remember, just click "back" to get back to the main blog. You can see my profile, past blogs and the comments made about them. Soon, I hope to have more "stuff" on my blog (like my Ebay auctions) but I'm still a dummy, as well.

So go have fun, be a bloggin' voyeur; just be warned, you may very well get addicted.


tammi said...

Whoa. You HAVE added more links to your sidebar.
There goes my morning.
My kids will once again be left unattended to shred the bag of bread into crumbs on the kitchen floor or eat 5 bags of fruit snacks when I'm not looking.
Where's that Bad Mother 101 post?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the lesson. so...can i have my own blog now?pllleeaaassseee!!!with a cherry on top? think about it. remember, i love you.(imagine touching music here)