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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wow. It's been a while.

I'm still here. Too busy to be dead - definitely too busy.

I stopped for just a minute today to catch up on emails and a shameless plug for two of my fav artists right now. I like all genres of music because I believe everyone has something significant to say and add to my life; otherwise, why would God have them cross my path? Who knows what you miss out on in life if you get offended by an action or opinion or belief and then shut people out? Artists are each unique and I wish I could be one. Even just for a day. I'd LOVE to travel on the road with a favorite musician.

So, these artists just happen to be Christian artists - the kind of Christian artist I would be if I could sing even a note like these people.

If only there would have been musicians out there like these when I was in high school, my high school life would have been totally different...I like to think that, at least. Maybe it would have been free and fun and fostered an authentic relationship with my Savior. So much time was wasted before setting out to find that.

Anyway... So now, I shamelessly live and promote the music I love. I embarrrass #1, because she's 14 and because I would be embarrassed if I could see myself, I'm sure. God chose ME to give life to so I'll embrace it and love it and live it alive...even when it hurts and life hurts alot. I'll pass life on to those around me until the day mine ends and hopefully, I can pass it on more alive than it was passed to me.

God didn't give us but one gift. Everyone always gets stuck on that one BIG ONE - you know the one, the ticket out of hell. Life, love and free will is a gift; children are a gift; sushine a gift; mosh pits in chapel - yes! a gift (and I love to go to chapel and see the kids enjoy it) creme' brulee is definitely a gift and being able to pass on to the next generation a vibrant, authentic love of the Father is a gift too often squandered.

I love to dance and to be free and to be me. I've just uncovered the joy of free will and living a life-alive in the last several years. So, not being one to live in the past, I live now without concern as to what anyone might think and it's VERY empowering. When you live free in Christ, people get confused and they fear and sometimes you can open their eyes and change their life. Weird, huh, because that too, is a gift - being His hands. With that said, I'll be getting a stud in my nose soon. Just a little F.Y.I.

This blog is often random but so is life...and life is not waiting on me so I must go. Now,
shameless plug #1 and shameless plug #2.