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Friday, February 15, 2008

And Speaking Of...


Huntsville was just this week, again named one of the top ten green cities in the U.S.

I love it! Go HSV!

Check these out--it's why we love it here.

You can watch this movie about HSV and the city's commitment to green. It's quite long (about 16 mins) but interesting.

Why Didn't I Think of That?

Real short and quick blog as I'm supposed to be "internet hunting" for original, quick and inexpensive craft ideas for girls ages 6 -8. Any ideas? Give me a holler.

The point of this blog?

Look at this (Tammi you'll love it and w/your forecasted rainy weekend, have at it, girl)!

I cannot wait to try it; as a matter of fact, I may have to go buy groceries to collect some plastic since we've already gone green.

Cool beans, huh.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Girl or Boy

Series: About: My Theories

I am a theory person; I have all sorts of them. My hubby rolls his eyes but politely listens everytime I announce that I have a new one. He thinks I'm a nut or a boob or a hoot--whatever you say in your neck-o-the-woods. My theories are all over the place, as are my blog posts and I have to say that my inconsistencies are probably the only consistency in my life.

The theory I'll reveal tonight is one of which I have somewhat tested personally.

When you're pregnant, if you're gonna have a girl, your leg hair will grow normally; however, if you're gonna have a boy, your leg hair will hardly grow at all.

Why would this be, you ask?

Simple. If you're pregnant with a boy, those hormones that cause the hair to grow on your legs is somehow absorbed by the male fetus because typically males are hairier than females and they need all the "hair hormones" they can get.

Does this mean that males who experience male pattern baldness early in life didn't absorb enough "hair hormones" in-utero? I don't know, I'm NOT a scientist, people, c'mon!

I've been pregnant five times and I started noticing with my second born, a boy, that I barely had to shave at all during the pregnancy and I wondered at the time, "Why?" I didn't notice this "trend" with my firstborn, a girl. I have to say that the absence of leg hair bothered me none the bit, as every woman ever having been with child can testify that shaving your legs is not an easy task as your tummy swells more and more each month.

I do have to say that my research may be slightly skewed, as the hair on my head didn't seem to grow less when pregnant with my sons; however, how can you truly measure head hair?

Anyway, that's my "girl or boy" theory. I've asked a few close people at the time they were pregnant, whether their leg hair was growing less. They looked at me weird.

Oh, well, that's my theory and I'm stickin' with it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weigh This

Just a little interesting F.Y.I.

Research from the Food and Brand Lab has been credited with improving the deeper scientific understanding of food as well as the discovery of some simple everyday insights:

A person will eat an average of 92% of any food they serve themselves.
The average person makes over 250 decisions about food each day.
The Nutritional Gatekeeper of a home influences an estimated 72% of all of the food their family eats.
Because of visual illusions, people (even bartenders) pour 28% more liquid into a short wide glasses than tall ones.
50% of the snack foods bought in bulk are eaten within 6 days.

Credit for this info goes to: The Food and Brand Lab is a non-profit research facility at Cornell University which focuses on why people buy and eat the foods they do in the quantities they do. Directed by Brian Wansink


Who am I...really, completely?

Do you want know?

Do I know? Do I want to know? Do I want you to know? How much do I want you to know?

Regardless, I'm going to launch an 'about' blog series that will hopefully give you insight into this blogger you're reading whose thoughts, and blogs, are constantly all over the place.

A preview of subjects I plan to cover...


  • formative years
  • family, growing up
  • hometown
  • home now
  • family I'm trying to rear
  • quirks
  • weirdness
  • travels
  • love life :0)
  • manners or lack of them
  • OCDs
  • goofies and guffaws
  • faith
  • joy
  • sadness
  • embarrassing moments
  • memories
  • pets - dead or alive
  • like and dislikes
  • strategies as a mother of five
  • books
  • music
  • weaknesses
  • regrets
  • celebrations
  • accomplishments
  • questions
  • strengths
  • friends
  • discoveries
  • theories
  • dreams
  • fears
  • hopes
  • struggles
  • thoughts
  • heart

Thirty-eight years worth of "stuff" about me. Can you handle it? Can I?

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Don't Worry

Just to let everyone out there know that I'm doing fine; I'm just not blogging.

Things are really busy around here lately with year-end Bball games and Open Houses at school, with which I've been helping. I'm in charge of producing a Room Mom manual for next year so that's keeping me the most busy.

I'm in a bit of a blogging funk, as well, so everything keeping me busy keeps that burden lighter.

That's it; signing off.