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Monday, March 12, 2007


Driving with the windows down the first days of spring after a long, cold winter; hair wipping wildly, the wind calmly deafening in your ears like the breaking of a red flag surf on the sand. The sun, filtered through the windshield, warms you up from head to toe like a toasty little biscuit in the oven. It's the adult version of swinging on a long rope swing in the spring, under a big, cool oak tree...head back, eyes closed, shoeless, the sun playing peekaboo with your closed eyelids, the organic smell of leaves, dirt, rope and the slightly musty, wood seat.

My late granddad, Papa, used to take a drive with grandma "Mom" every fairweather weekend; now I know why. I hope we're right about having wings in heaven and if we are, Papa is up there taking the Angels "driving" everyday.

So, we drove Nathan back to Atlanta today to trade him back for Molly (I think it was a good trade); it was freedom from the stress of this weekend and took us back to when we were in high school and took trips together to Texas, where some of Gerald's family lived and when we drove back and forth together from college in Florida. Release from worries from one point to the next.

Journey's Greatest Hits was our favorite CASSETTE back then and, of course, the CD version was blared today, as well as, Kutless, Sheryl Crowe and Sarah Kelly, some of our favorites. Music is always enjoyable but blaring while doing 80--slow for ATL--is one of the most least for my fast-paced, noisy, media-saturated generation. I'm sure Papa would disagree on this point.

Oh yeah, the kids?

In the backseat, tummies full of Joe's Crabshack, huge, black headphones on their small, pasty heads, laughing eyeballs watching "Napoleon Dynamite." They're even more fast-paced, noisy and media-saturated than we; wonder what their preferred mode of transport will be in twenty years?

It was about a three hour trip and the sunset was beautiful with the mountains in the background and lakes dotted here and there where rainclouds often turn the mountains into rainspouts. We held hands for awhile; I guess the warm sun and the stressfree atmosphere makes you feel amorous. I remember my Mom and Dad used to always hold hands when we took vacations in the car.

Our kids snickered, gave each other that "Mommy and Daddy sitting in the tree..." look and soon fell fast asleep. The End.

Seems that spring brings back many good memories; another one of God's gifts, choreographed through Mother Nature just for us ordinary humans. He must really like us.


tammi said...

I totally agree. Driving with the windows down is the best feeling. I love fall, and summer, but there's just something magical about spring - you've been waiting, waiting...waiting for it to get warm enough to wear shorts, throw open your windows, walk outside barefoot after the chilly months of winter. You can FEEL the sun warm and tan your winter skin.
I felt the exact same things Steve and I sat outside tightening up the boys' bicycle seats, raising handlebars and watching them ride around the culdesac. Made me think of tinkering around with my dad's tools when I was little - "fixing" my bike, or smashing rocks in the driveway with a metal mallet.
Oh, and speaking of my parents....they NEVER held hands during car rides. Screaming, yelling about the other's driving habits, and generally contributing to a stressful car environment were more their cup of tea. Oh, and they NEVER let us roll the windows down while we drove (it sucked the cool air from the AC out the windows and made the car work harder to make more). I drive with my windows down all the time now - and save the AC for the blistering hot summer days.
And sometimes I use both.
So there.

Next time I'll write an email.

Amy said...

Remember how you used to always tell me, "You really should start a blog"? Well, you really should start an email. ")

I left out the part about my parent's arguing--the hand holding just happened probably the first mile...but, I liked it :)

I think maybe we have the same parents.

I LOVE windows and A/C!

Anonymous said...

hey's Lindsey

I was thinking the same thing today leaving work...just rolling down the window blowing off the stress of the day. I really like this time of year.

I have really enjoyed reading your blog...getting a peace of the porter world from afar!

Anonymous said...

I realized right after I published my comment I had a typo with the word peace (or piece)...guess my mind was somewhere else.


Amy said...

Hi, Lindsey!

Thanks for reading; sometimes it's scary "putting it all out there" for family to see; I feel more comfortable w/strangers reading my blog. No going back now, though.

Everybody, meet Lindsey, my cousin.
Growing up, I think their family moved more than the Porters have so far--more people in the ministry
Ahhh, ministry bliss :/

Nowadays, she's an elementary teacher-Ahhh!-married, with no children...yet. The only flaw that
Lindsey has is that she's an MU fan. Ugh!