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Monday, April 23, 2007


Sitting here this morning, wasting time, waiting to take Jake to Space Camp; they check in at 8:45--still another 1/2 hour to departure. Last week, Anna's class was gone to Camp McDowell somewhere here in Alabama--about a three hour bus drive. It's an Environmental Science Camp. They took two to three mile hikes everyday, climbed walls, enjoyed waterfalls and wildlife, as well as, learned survival skills, camped out one night, plotted constellations and tracked the International Space Station in the clear, night sky. By the end of camp, their three-school team had reduced their food waste in the mess hall down to 1/2 a pound, which must have been a big deal b/c that's all they talked about after getting back to school. The camp aspired to the Theory of Evolution and the kids were able to use their Science class knowledge and debate skills to frustrate the leaders to the point of not taking anymore questions on the subject and pointing out that Evolution is, after all, just a Theory.

The camps are an expense not covered by the activity fee but I have found it's definitely worth the money, both for the experiences they encounter w/people that have different views on the world but mostly for the relationships that are strengthened with classmates and teachers through these camp experiences. I respect that the school is not afraid to expose our children to the world and help them get their footing while the kids still have adults to fall back on for help. It's, in my opinion, a very valuable experience to not be sheltered from it all.

The kids' school starts taking 3-5 day class camps every year from fifth grade on that ranges from Environmental camps to Space camps to Marine Biology camps at Dauphin Island in Tennessee. It's something new to us and, of course, our kids love it--it's the culmination of their entire year.

The school also takes many, many field trips--I've counted them this year and they average around two per month, per class in Elementary school. I've seen my kids learn things about Alabama and American History, as well as, Science and Math that they wouldn't have paid attention to in class. Most schools limit field trips but here they are encouraged and it benefits all the students, but specifically, those kids who are tactile learners and need hands-on to "get it".

It's just another example of this school's purposeful strategy to accommodate every learning style so that no one child lacks in his educational experience.

Can you tell that we love the school?

Well, I've wasted enough time that it's now time to drive Jake over to the Space & Rocket Center. Traffic should be pretty light by now--cross my fingers. It's about a 15-minute drive and pretty much anywhere you go here in HSV, you cross paths with the Space & Rocket Center.

If you happen to be in the HSV, AL, Nashville or TN Valley area, you should stop in for a visit--we have much to do here from Hiking, Cycling and Sports to Art Galleries, Music Halls and Ballet--anything "artsy". HSV was built much around the German rocket scientists we "acquired" as part of the WWII Peace Treaty w/Germany. Since Europeans are heavy into the arts so, too, is HSV. We are a very culturally diverse city being heavy into Science and Math, Engineering, Space and Aeronautics. I've been told we are one of the most diverse cities in America, ranking up there w/some of the biggest cities.

Weird, huh? Alabama, who would've thought.


Anonymous said...

i'll call you potty mouth, i don't know if we will make it this summer. we are on a spending freeze. i'll let you know.

Amy said...


I'll call you Crappy.

Spending freeze? What's that? Is that really possible?

Finally, COME ON!

Katie said...

Crazy.. cant believe you like alabama. actually I cant say anything bc my mom was born there. But on principle... ewww

Anonymous said...

what i meant was, i'll call you on the phone, potty mouth. i wasn't calling you a potty mouth, which you are. hasn't everyone been on a spending freeze at one time or another. finally, i don't get paid vacation so i have to come up with a week worth of wages plus money to travel to alabama! i'll see what i can do.

p.s. i think i'm getting laid off soon so that will really put a damper on the trip, i will let you know.

Anonymous said...

has urin see herself on your blog yet? pretty funny it's on the world wide web for anyone to see!! you might have to tell her that, that is really her in the picture she probally won't recognize herself!!!!!!!

Amy said...


Oh, sorry.

Your grammar needs improvement :0)

Spending freeze is understandable in theory, but you have to spend. I know what you extras.

Laid off? What? And you don't get paid vacation? I thought everybody did...again, sorry.

Let me know; it's not gonna' kill me if you don't come. After all, you already came once this year and you all got sick.

Amy said...


I really don't like Florida snobs; they think that their state is ALL THAT...please.

Okay, it's all that but Alabama is certainly not "ewww". We live here.

Amy said...


We must have been commenting at the same time b/c after I answered your first comment, another popped up...anyway.

I don't know if Erin reads my blog on a regular basis--I doubt it. Maybe she's just a lurker.



One more thing, HSV is NOT like the rest of Alabama. Have you talked to Stefani lately?

tammi said...

Huntsville better be pretty freaking cool if you're planning staying there long term. I'd have a hard time moving to Alabama, just because when people would say, "hey where are you from?" I'd actually have to SAY, "alabama" .....with a straight face. And I'd probably put a really heavy southern accent on it, just for authenticity's sake.

Spending freeze? My LIFE is a constant spending freeze. Although Mark, if you got laid off, that would solve the problem of coming to visit your sister because you wouldn't have to take a week off work, because...well, you wouldn't have a job. See - problem solved! Glass half full, right?

Amy said...

Okay, whatever, GEORGIA--we're like sister states or something like that. Granted, Alabama is worse.

My brother's pockets burn like hellfire when he's gotta' little extra cash so the idea of a spending freeze is hilarious. Shellie is his only saving grace, right Mark?

Anonymous said...

i have actually turned over a new leaf with money, you would be suprised. if all goes as planned we will be debt free in our early 40's. right now we just have debt to pay off, mainly my freaking truck. as far as lay off, i'm getting laid off friday. construction in kansas city is very weird right now. i have friends that have been out of work for months. i hope to make some calls and go back to work within a few weeks. say some prayers please.

Amy said...
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