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Sunday, April 15, 2007


I comment, off-blog, quite often about how we, as Americans, are so spoiled.

Just the sheer number of choices we have in T.P. is quite absurd.

Our pets benefit much in our excesses.

This cracked me up.

It's called a "Pet Peek."

Because Fido needs to know what's happenin' at the neighbors, as well.

Otherwise, how would he ever know if he's keepin' up with Fido Jones?!?

I have to wonder who spits in it to keep it from fogging over?

You or your dog.

Check it out here:

While you're there, check out the "Poop Freeze"


tammi said...

That poop freeze is so gross. Who comes up with this stuff???

I wish they made "pee freeze" for kids. We're potty-training AJ and it'd be nice if he wet underwear/shorts would freeze solid so I didn't have to touch anything damp when I peel them off.

Katie said...

thank you for this... this has become a huge joke between me and bryan bc we have a puppy who poops on the stairs... long stories, but these are brillient/hilarious products.
Just out of curiosity, what in the world are you doing when you find stuff like this???

Amy said...

Frozen pee pants just sounds grosser to me than warm pee pants...okay, I take that back. I'm just glad we're done w/that.

Knock on wood.

I get a magazine w/really neat stuff called "Solutions." Obviously, solution for EVERYTHING are in there...poop freeze being the most interesting so far.
Yeah, we took Carol's cat and that has been interesting...litter boxes I don't like. Think the cat is not going to work out for us. At least we can tell Molly we tried.