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Thursday, June 14, 2007


The kids literally camped out in the family room today while I lay in bed with an aching body and slightly dry, swollen throat. All the blankets and chairs in the house are currently being used. I remember doing that with the metal TV trays that everyone had back in the 70's. Another memory: We used to come home every Friday night after Mom's bowling league was finished and make TV dinners and watch the "Donnie and Marie Show". Wow, that was a long time ago.

Feeling better now--thank goodness. Have a two-hour drive to Nashville tomorrow to attend a wedding. Thank goodness, as well, for PBJ and Ramen Noodles--my kids were able to make a somewhat nutritious meal for themselves for lunch today. Anna made me a sandwich after I picked her up from Volleyball Camp today and boy, does PBJ hit the spot when you're a little under the weather.

I think I might just be worn thin and with hubby out of town last night, I didn't actually go to bed until 4:30 a.m. The dog had me worried because he kept getting up, looking around and sometimes growling when he's normally spread out, dead to the world all night long.

I think since the "alpha male" was gone, he was extra sensitive to the raccoons that like to dig into our trashcan at night. We live in a city with an extremely low crime rate but after going and watching "Mr. Brooks" last week, I was a little on edge. Good movie, btw, I recommend it--lots of twists to the plot and it doesn't hurt that Kevin Costner is in it--woohoo, what a hottie!

Anticipating the wedding this weekend, I ventured out yesterday to possibly buy a dress. I decided to go into Dress Barn. Never had been in there before but I really liked it. Bought a dress off the clearance rack, of course. I was able to buy one TWO SIZES SMALLER! I was Soooo excited because I've really been working at watching my portions and eating small, healthy snacks all day instead of pigging out at dinner after skipping lunch. I have to admit that there have been days when I thought I was starving but I held strong and the feelings subsided. I read somewhere to wait twenty minutes after you eat so your food can digest; if you're still feeling like you're starving after that, eat a little more. That advice has really worked well for me. Swimming everyday has been a definite advantage because I LOVE to swim so it doesn't seem like excercise to me. Don't know what I'll do come winter--maybe I can talk hubby into getting a pass to the Y.

We had a storm blow through tonight, which we desperately needed, so I sat on the back porch and enjoyed the show. I LOVE rain and thunderstorms; inherited that from my Mom. Sitting down now to watch a movie with the Fam.

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