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Wednesday, December 20, 2006


The "imaginary list" (Tammi) in my head is all checked off! Went to bed at 2AM, about an hour earlier than I thought I would.

~Bought all 30 teacher's gifts--LOVE the dollar tree--little tins of tea and shortbread cookies in a stocking, yay!

~Root beer and party mix for the "1" male teacher, yay!

~Blanket washed and made and gifted last night during a little "get-together," yay!

~Kids' teacher's gifts de-tagged, wrapped and gifted this morning, yay!

~Different book exchange gifts bought late last night--LOVE Books-A-Million-open til midnight, yay! (dislike children who didn't like what I had already bought, yay!)

~Cinnamon popcorn made and tasted...yummy, yay!

~Lots of cherry Coke, yay!

~Hot tea, yay!

~Coffee, yay!

~Indoor plumbing (thank you Thomas Crapper), yay!

~TheraFlu for Anna, yay!

~Someone else made dinner and had us over, yay!

~Didn't have to wash uniforms 'cause today was "Christmas-wear," yay!

~Going back to bed for an hour, OH YEAH!


tammi said...

No need to brag.

And WHO is Thomas Crapper? Your plumber?? Or is that your little "pet" name for your toilet?
Either way, it's ironic and it makes me giggle.

Amy said...

Tammi, that's just yesterday's "HAVE TO GET DONE TODAY" list; it was very short.

Thomas Crapper, inventor of the, seriously...quit laughing and look it up. ")

Amy said...

Okay, I've been misinformed. For years I believed he invented the toilet--turns out that was an exxageration on the part of some male (of course) who found the plumber's name funny. "Crap" does not come from Thomas Crapper, who was a plumber in the 1800's. He did, however, invent the ballcock...some part for the toilet. Yeah, I know. Here's a link for those of you interested or bored (Tammi).

tammi said...

Somewhat related to crap, the word SHIT is actually derived from the initials S.H.I.T. which were spray painted on boxes of manure.
It literally means, Ship High In Transit, because let's face it - if you put loads of cow manure on the bottom of a load of other very heavy stuff, and said stuff crushes the boxes of manure....well, you get the picture.

I've been holding on to that little tidbit for a loonnnnnggg time waiting for JUST the right moment to use it.


Katie said...

while i find your comments back and forth about crap very interesting, I think, i think... its just about time for a new blog there amy. Thats just me...