We moved to a "truly" southern state this year. I've noticed the past few weeks traps in alot of yards and after contemplating this for several days, I remembered hearing someone say a while back
, "We have trouble with squirrels chewing our power lines here." Instantly, I knew what the traps were for...EWWW!
A few of our neighbors have a trap in their front yard; they all had us over for a get-together before we moved into our new home.Ya'll come back now, ya' hear!
The intricacies of southern traditions and life never cease to surprise me...or make me laugh.
today I had a volleyball player tell me (at chuck e cheese) that the kid on the arcade game next to her kept reaching over and "mashing" her buttons to make her lose.
"Yeah, mashing"
Which I suppose, is southern talk for "pushing".
vittles, mashing, ya'all, squirrel traps....
you haven't heard "mashing" yet? Yeah, Gerald's assistant always uses the word "mash";she claims it's an Alabama thing, I'll have to tell her they use it in Georgia too. How about ain't--it's a word here you know. Gerald keeps a book, seriously, of "southern" words he hears people say everyday. I'll have to get it and email you a copy. Of course, I get poked fun at because I say, "pop" instead of "coke."
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