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Monday, April 7, 2008

Whatcha Readin'

I read more than one book at one time. Usually, it's at least three. Have no idea why. I guess there are so many books and so little time?

Right now, one of the books I'm reading a friend gave to me to read after her S.S. class finished it; it's titled Love and Respect. Actually, I've been NOT reading it for about three weeks now because chapter two of the book irked me and I'm still working through it--which means that I disagree with the book and I haven't had time to sit down and study the problem through. Been thinking about pulling my readers into the controversy but I don't have time right now for a post that deep or the ensuing comments. My friend had a problem with the book at the same point but her S.S. teacher worked them through it; I'm not buying the logic/interpretation though and I think she and I are gonna have to go for coffee and discuss it further.

Flipside of that, another book I'm reading I hate to put down every night. I read it until my eyes start going in and out of focus. So I blink hard and try to force my eyelids open, usually to no avail.

The book is Lord, Save Us from Your Followers and if I start to summarize it, I'll end up telling you too much so I won't even begin. It's a great read--actually, an excellent read in my opinion. It's not a deep book and yet it is. Just go buy it.

Or request to read it in my comments section and I'll happily send it along on a journey when I'm finished dissecting it.

Seriously, I will. Recycling at it's literary finest? Maybe.


tammi said...

You know I want it! :)

I read multiple books at a time too...I was thinking of adding in that "What I'm Reading" option on the sidebar of the blog, but I might be embarassed to have the same books up there for weeks at a time.
Currently reading Jesus For President by Shane Claiborne and it's VERY interesting, you should read that! Also just finished Atonement (because I'm weird and have to read the book before I see the movie), and just picked up Raising a Modern Day Knight to read through again.

But now I'm curious...what part of that book got your knickers all in a bunch?? Comeon...I'm all about a good blog debate (or argument, as I seem to get myself pulled into on occasion on friend Daniel's blog).
So....let's hear it!

I really should just write emails.

Amy said...


You're first. yay! You might be the only; not many readers like YOUR blog. Oh to be famous...

I'll read "your" book since you're gonna read "mine". Check. Done.

Have Atonement on DVD right now. Supposed to be watching it instead of reading blogs and creating spreadsheets of volunteers for Spa Day during Teacher Appreciation--AAAAAAAAAAA, going nutty!

So, you want me to tell you how it ends? he,he,he.

Maybe on Friday, I'll start an "argument blog," and obviously I'm reading the wrong blogs--Daniel's blog, here I come...after this week. :0/


Amy said...

What I meant was "--like on YOUR blog"

Of course people like your blog...sure they do...ahem.