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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Think You've Seen It All?


Click on an UPPERCASE LETTER to start a song; then rollover the individual keys to make the "Pipeman" dance.

I personally enjoy, "Footloose," although "Staying Alive" ranks a really, really close second.

Rolling over "a" when Footloose gets to, "I'm Cuttin' It Loose!" is hilarious.

It's kinda' addictive, seeing how fast you can make him dance.

Ha, ha.


Katie said...

ok thats disgusting how entertaining that is... i mean seriously, thats a keeper =]]

tammi said...

i just wasted WAY too much of my day on there...

Anonymous said...

what a hoot!i really needed a laugh today.i used to be able to do some of those moves! also thanks for the snowflake remembrance, love you too! mom