The Porter Pool is officially open for the season!
The water was still a little nippy on Monday, at 76, but the outside temp was high 80's, the water smelled inviting and we couldn't argue with the kids'...,"We're burnin' up; can we swim, pleeeease!"
The water should be just right by this weekend;
so come on over. We'll provide the towels and, of course, sweet suthun' tea.
If you happen to need a room, we might be able to oblige that, as well.
The more, the merrier!
Here's some pics of our "season opener":
Miss Molly Drama...need I say more?
She received a 10.0 for little splash.
Zac finally grew tall enough that he could touch (even w/the floating brick attached to him). He still stays against the side of the pool, though; hoping to coax him out into the middle by
summer's end.

Nobody and nothing was dry when it was all said and done.
and growls at all the pool toys.
Yeah, he's ferocious.
Our personal chef, grilling for the shrivel-toed, voracious gang.
expensive palettes--notice all that's left is
shrimp tails AND....
Hot dogs. Little farts barely touched the dogs.
Gerald and I were salivating over the shrimp.
Guess what we ate?
1 - 2 - 3 - JUMP!
Anna: " Wait, guuuys!"
"Watch my flip, Mom!"
"My lips are NOT blue, Mom!"

Looking brave, while trying to touch.
"The water's touching my!"
"Mom, look, I grew a blue tail..ha, haaaah, haaaah. Take a picture of my spit bubble."
Oh yeah, Gerald wanted me to mention how clean and BLUE "his" pool is...
He prides himself on his pool chemistry skills--little acid here, little baking soda there-- it's almost like rocket science, right hon? :0)
Nice blue pool! It really does look nice. I love Anna's flipping of the hair shot =) Thats great! We did the same thing when we were younger, who cares how cold the pool is? Its a pool! Tell everybody I said hi...
Hi, Kat.
Everyone told!
Awesome! I'm jealous over here.
I'd take pictures of our backyard, but really, who wants to see pictures of sparse dry grass and a 4 ft. stretch of mud that the boys continually dig up and smear all over the house??
Pool looks awesome - you guys will definitely get a lot of use out of that!
And way to go G with your pool chemical skills....maybe you truly ARE what willis was talk'n 'bout (*roll eyes*)
Yeah, did you see all our dead, freeze-burned plants and our "mud garden" behind the diving board?
Hopefully, the garden will sprout some food for us in the next couple of months...Gerald accidentally left the sprinkler on it last night for who knows how long. Hopefully, he didn't drown the seeds.
We loved the fact that our yard was all lavishly landscaped, except now we have to go pull all the weeds and trim the dead stuff...we have almost an acre!
Tammi, have anything going on next week? Come pull weeds w/me.
volleyball tryouts.
and i don't do weeds.
But I do swim.
maybe the week after?? :)
weeds suck!!!!!
layoff...that sucks
new job...working 10hr/6dy weeks...that really sucks
Yes, I am what Willis was talkin about and my pool skills are not half as good as my numchuck skills.
your slackin', i want to see a new blog at least every two days.
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