My hubby and I are totally, unflinchingly hooked on "Prison Break". I've been interested in watching the show since the first season, whenever that was, but was unable... so, when we started with Netflix, which is awesome, we rented "Prison Break". I think we're about halfway through the first season; have no idea what this year's season is...anyone know? DO NOT give me any info on the show, I like to be surprised. Can I just say that it is pure torture to have to wait for the postman to deliver the next disc. There are usually four shows on a disc and we usually watch all four in one sitting. Next.
Nexflix is awesome. I originally signed up for a free try and liked it so much, I continued. We already have a Blockbuster card and still use it frequently, as well, but Nexflix movies are delivered TO MY DOOR and I choose from an endless list of movies to put on my own personal queue (list). I LOVE documentaries but they are hard to find and who knew there were so many out there?!? The list goes on and on. I have a $9.99 plan which means I can rent as many movies as I want in a month, one at a time. Depending on your mail service, you can rent probably three movies a week if you watch them the day they're delivered and then slip them right back in the mail. What could be easier? Why didn't I think of this?!
What does "Prison Break" have to do with new hairstyles? Gerald completely shaved his head. NOT! Got your attention or maybe you could care less. Maybe you thought, "Pfff, it's about time." The fact is, I am the common factor, and it's ALL about me, this blog, I mean. Weird how that works, huh? I'm ready for a new hairstyle; I do this, on average, every two years. Grow it l
ong, cut it short, color it, never shaved it. So, I look up hairstyles online. Pick your favorite. Try not to look at the actress under the tresses...I know, that's hard to do. Hmmm, I want to look like HER, wait, she's not overweight and her face has
color. Next. I want to find one of those websites where you put a picture of your face on the screen and then try out different hairstyles. Can anyone help me with this? They say the best haircuts are those that are best for your frame, face type and skin tone...can anyone help me with a stylist that does that...that I can afford? Do they
DO that at Regis? If so, I definitely want my money back.

A little dance now, get up... one hop...two hops this time...cha, cha, cha...break it down. I LOVE that dance; it was just on the T.V. Hard to type a blog when you're boppin' your head and shakin' your tush.

Two blogs today! I'm on a roll. Gerald calls me an Internet Potato; today, that would be true. Tomorrow the kids go back to school. I'll miss them alot, but it's time to clean up and take down the holiday gear and that's easier done alone...with Zac. Gerald and I will enjoy going out to lunch again...with Zac, and I'll start looking for something to do at home that will bring in the little green rectangles. Would you pay somebody $10-15 to go to the grocery for you? If you were a working mom or a senior. If I'm going anyway, why not pick up someone's grocery list and make a little money to boot. Gerald doesn't think there would be enough interest. I'm not so sure. Whatcha' honestly think, and, please, pick me a good hairstyle.
Hmmm....I'm not very good at suggesting hairstyles, but for you I would choose the chick at the top left, with the huge spherical boobs. I like the layers - I didn't even look at the color though.
I like the wispy hair across the forehead look on #3, but it looks pretty high maintenance and with 5 kids, you don't need high maintenance hair. You've got your hands full with your high maintenance husband anyway.
Good luck deciding!!
Lisa Rinna--her lips are almost as big as her boobs. If she doesn't get collagen injected into them, then I think she should have some sort of lip reduction. They look weird. Can you believe she danced in Dancing With the Stars with those things? I kept waiting for a wardrobe mishap. I always thought that if life allowed us to pick what boobs we wanted, and I know what I know now, I'd pick pretty small ones--they're MUCH easier to handle and you can wear so many more blouses with them, tshirts specifically.
I totally agree. I'd much rather have a flat chest that a huge one (which I do, right now, as my boobs grow 2 inches on a daily basis, thanks to pregnancy).
ditto on the boob thing. i swear, i'll never be able to wear a button-up shirt again without a tank underneath due to the gappage right around buttons 2-3. oh, how i long for the 34B days! mainly the 34 part, but oh well!
okay, first prison break. you and gerald are such dorks! i'm sure, though, that i could get into it if i tried, but i don't have any desire to try. i have friends getting into all kinds of weird shows now that you can get anything on dvd. it's overkill. one is totally into episodes of mcgiver. it's addictive if you really start watching it though! also 2 friends really into smallville, which i guess is a pretty good series, but i've again never had the desire. second, the netflix thing is great, but as jamie's friends warren and cody explained to me, here's how the blockbuster deal is superior: you can also turn your movies in to a blockbuster store and trade them out for whatever. so you don't have to live with that "pure torture" of waiting to see who gets raped in the shower next/who gets sent to the hole for 2 weeks/what questionable character finds out about the escape plot and now they have to include him in the caper even though they know he can't be trusted and will most likely end up with a shiv in his gut while getting some exercise in the yard, etc. just fyi.
third, hair: please, please do yourself a favor and forget that regis and any other crappy mall hair places exist. you need a good stylist and a nice place. my last 2 stylists only charge $25 for shampoo, cut, and style. i bet you pay that at regis to the bottom 10% of the graduating class of the local cosmetology college--the ones that couldn't land a job at a good salon. are you feelin' what i'm saying? remember, ame, that they were the ones that so brutally gave me the mushroom hair cut (that was so popular with all of the girls of color in 1990) the night before my senior year of high school started. ok? and what was the problem with that? contrary to the popular opinion of my family, i am not a girl of color. it was bad news. don't make me send you pics! so, please treat yourself, find a good stylist, and they will help you figure out a cute, easy, popular style and color that goes well with your face shape and your coloring (which in your case would be pasty--sorry, had to get one in). the regis people don't give a crap if you come back or not. they are not in the business of retaining customers. they have steady foot-traffic from the mall shoppers coming in. women who just tried on a bathing suit or those new skinny leg jeans and literally cried in the fitting room, went back and forth between hating themselves and resolving to work out and eat right, then headed straight to the orange julius for an extra large original julius, then just happened by regis with an orange foam mustache and were magically drawn in by the promise of looking like lisa rinna or charlize theron or whoever. then they walk out with a mushroom head and they're surprised about it. do i need to continue?!? a stylist at a reputable salon wants your business and wants to keep your business, so you've at least got a chance! do it! oh, and you really need a good gay guy for 2 important reasons: they're brutally honest and they don't feel like they're in competition with you. women do. women inherently don't want other women to look better than them. seriously. i think its written into the xx genetic code. james, my previous stylist, was very honest. if you asked (or if you didn't ask once he got to know you pretty well), he will tell you what styles to avoid when carrying extra weight; how not to bring attention to a double chin; what colors work best with your skin and covering grays, etc. try it!
ok, still on hair (sorry to ramble on), does that pic of the old white afro dude remind you of...oh, this blog is public info so i'd better not say names. ok, guess: someone from way back, rockwood baptist church, female, a mom, pointy boobs from those old 50's-style bras that were barely a step up from the full corset with metal bars and laces (remember?), ok, her last name rhymes with "horn-nine." huh? you get it? am i right or what? ok, maybe not that big, but if you combine her afro with the afro her hubby had for awhile (that 80's man-perm thing, weird), they might well exceed the circumference of the gentleman in the pic. bet you haven't thought of that in a long time! hope your laughin!
sorry, one more thing: just looked at the white afro dude again. i think he's in court. does it look like that to you? maybe someone sued him for the bad hair. it's worth suing over. and what about that chick? what's her story? geez!
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