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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Falling for Winter

Since I've become a Mom and now have the responsibility to DRIVE my little people around on snowy roads where there are STUPID people driving; furthermore, because I rarely have the luxury of enjoying the playtime that snow often yields (especially in the south where they close all schools when one snowflake penetrates the atmosphere), I am no longer much of one for cold weather. I much prefer heat and humidity. For the most part, neither of the latter-mentioned bother me much at all. I think somewhere in my lineage, we must have "Suthun" blood.

I must admit, however, that I do miss snow--fresh fallen snow to be exact. The ghostly quiet it always brings outside is the closest to heavenly peace that I think we experience here on earth. The color--indescribable white and for some reason, I always want to grab a handful and eat it--it tastes so...clean.

If anyone were to ask me what clean tastes like, I'd say, "Snow--it tastes like freshly-fallen snow."

I remember the first time I took particular notice of snow: My mother called me to our back door one night when I was maybe around seven--I don't know exactly how old I was but I do remember the quietness outside as she stuck a piece of black construction paper out the door. My curiosity was piqued of course. She pulled it back inside and revealed to me the beautiful snowflakes that landed on the dark background and told me that not one snowflake is ever the same as another. Ever since then, I find myself catching snowflakes and trying to memorize their uniqueness before they melt in my warm hand, the prism-ique beauty forever lost.

*Thank you, Mom; I know inside you is an artist disguised as my Mother. I never appreciated your creativity like I should have. Love you!*

Not surprisingly, I was so stoked to be offered this website and I've been hooked on it, much to the chagrin of my hubby who thought we were BOTH gonna' tag-team the house today...and my children who for some reason always ask ME, "Mom, when are we gonna eat?!?" :0)

More, More, More...

Did you know that there is a historical figure called, "The Snowflake Man"? Tammi may know of him--photographer of snowflakes--officially, a snowcrystal photomicrographer.

Say that three times, fast.

My kids like the websites, especially the snowflake movies; what kid, young or old, would not? It's mesmerizing and now I cannot wait until it gets cold enough here to frost my kitchen window.

Now, I need a new camera with one of those "fancy" lenses. Tammi, selling???


tammi said...

i have heard of him actually - and it's not that difficult to do yourself.
Put a piece of plexi glass, or like your mother, a piece of black construction paper in the freezer for an hour or so, then go outside and catch some snowflakes. Use a macro lens and a tripod to photograph them.

do you guys get snow up there??

Amy said...

forty day later, Noah returned his email.....

We get snow once in a while from what I hear and they close down the whole city if it's even if one snowflake is forecast. You know, treacherous mountain roads and all.

A few years back, they had a bad ice storm that shut down the entire city for a week...they have no snow plows or sand/salt.
