She's like a totally different person on the court this year. Could have something to do with her confidence level increasing combined with her feeling more comfortable with her teammates, having known them for an entire year now.
More likely, it has to do with her wearing contacts instead of glasses this year; I cannot imagine how hard it was to see with glasses that were no doubt getting in the way, slipping down her nose and obstructing some of her peripheral and vertical vision. The former are important in volleyball more so than any other sport, for no other reason than the hard, white object being spiked right at your nose, as if marked by imaginary bullseye.
BTW, what would be the correct plural form of "bullseye"? Bullsseye or bullsseyes or bullseyeses.
Back on subject...
Her school just this year went to tenth grade, pushing us into the Varsity leagues, in Alabama that is the AHSAA(?). Still small compared to heavily populated public schools, we were of course put into the 1A division which means we travel quite a distance to play most teams. Small country teams, way out in "Deliverance Country". Most games are an hour to an hour and a half away which means that this week alone, the girls have traveled an hour and a half, two different days to play in their division.
Tonight, because of conflicting schedules, Anna rode the bus home. She called when they got close to school and I was home from cooking class so I proceeded to collect my oldest child.
I pulled up, she said goodbye to friends and Coach Jones and she hopped into the back seat. We got home, Anna got out and came around the back of the car to collect her backpack at about the same time as I was walking behind the car to the garage. I took one look at her outfit, raised my eyebrows, snorted a little and made a comment about her "cute outfit".
Here she is...Miss Volleyball 2007
Her unique sense of style runs on hubby's side of the fam.

As long as Anna doesn't let her leg hair grow that long, i think you're good.
What leg hair?
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