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Monday, October 13, 2008


Who has time for blogging when you're trying to put Humpty together again?

Ha. Ha.

You should have seen him trying to get into the car to go to Kindergarten and proudly recite his nursery rhyme. I finally helped a little fella' out and gave his tush a little shove. I thought I might *pop* his innertube love handles. His booster seat? Forget about it - didn't happen.

He was one of two humptys but in my humble opinion - my baby was cutest.


tammi said...

That is freaking hilarious!! Love it!

Amy said...

You should have seen him run! We entertained the staff in the by having him run up and down the hall. We had to promise him ice cream to get cheap entertainment from our son...that is, cheap entertaiment until we have to pay for therapy 20 years from now.

Rabun Gap American Literature said...

I'm laughing just thinking about it.

tammi said...

crap. that was me.

I do that ALL the time.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was Halloween but he made a good Humpty Dumpty for class. Looks like a lot of those who eat toooooo many fast foods guess I could have left that off. Good job Zac G,G. E

Katie said...

Ohh myyy gosh. talk about some wedding day blackmail!!!!

This is hysterical!