Number 3 has been working on a loose tooth for about a month. Today, it finally popped out. The air is thick with anticipation of the tooth fairy's arrival this evening.
The tooth was paraded around the house on a tiny piece of tissue, first to all the siblings who were less than ecstatic and then to Dad and Mom. Obviously, we were to alert the fairy.
Molly: "Dad! Look! My tooth fell out."
Dad: "Cool...what's that, a cavity?"
Molly: "No, it's a filling, Dad!"
Me: "You know that cuts the value in half, right?"
Molly: "No, it's silver, that means I get more."
Gerald and I: *LOL* *LOL* *LOL*
Me: " I already paid for that silver once. You should have picked a better time to lose your tooth; it's not a seller's market right now, kiddo." *wink*
heeheee. Nice work Molly. I like her reasoning! Sounds like something I would say =]
She thinks quick on her feet....a lawyer in the making??
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