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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you, Grandma

You know, you never know when something you send to someone is just what they needed, right then, right there.

God works through my Granny like that on a constant basis. There's always a "forward" in my inbox from her...from HIM.

When did she realize her greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with her
grandchildren, playing games, eating pizza or reading a story, a simple gift
from God.

Thank you, Grandma. I love you. You've always been an inspiration in my life - even from miles away. You're a gift to our entire family and held in high regard. Love you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks right back to you and yours
I thought you had fell off the Planet earth but then I know how busy you are with five kids and a hubby. I so enjoyed your "job description" keep on keepin on.
Love ya all
grandma E.

tammi said...

Hey! I tagged you on my blog! :) Go check it out! :)