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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Princess Diary

I haven't done anything by my lonesome for years. It's been my choice, of course, barricading myself into a world of diapers, dishes, do-lists and doctor's appointments.

I was sooo excited when we moved here, after having lived in a small town in FL where the local mall had only two anchor stores...and they were JCPenney and Sears. It all went downhill from there.

We have two or three big malls here--yes, we do, in Alabama, in a town of which most have never heard. It's definitely a small "big city".

The mall closest in proximity to our house is seriously upscale from what I was used to in our former FL town, and as such, it has a Williams Sonoma. I'm a "gadget-girl" and I LOVE to browse the clearance at the back of the store, even though I rarely find anything I can afford--it's definitely pricey.

I regularly go into Williams Sonoma on Sunday to see what new recipes they have printed for the taking and to nibble on the samples they are cookin' up - Mmmm. It's not uncommon to find a meat and a sweet, which is just enough dessert after Sunday supper to satisfy my sweet tooth.

A few weeks back, while perusing the merchandise (and waiting on a little batch of heavenly vanilla angel bundt cakes to finish cooking in their paper ketchup containers), I decided that I was going to sign up for an in-store cooking class. They offer them once a month, sometimes more frequent, and I had been consistently putting off signing up b/c I never knew what my schedule would hold a month out.

I walked around the store, reading the pamphlet of upcoming cooking classes and contemplating what all I might be roped into doing a whole month into the future, when I finally decided, "Scrap it all, I'm just gonna' do it!"

I signed up, paid my $40, which I found a little high but most probably worth the night out ALL BY MYSELF, went home and proceeded to email my hubby and let him know that he'd be in charge on Sept. 4, 2007, come heck or high water. "Be home by 4:30...or else...please and thank ya'! "

I woke up this morning in a great mood. I am still stoked.

Actually, I went to bed last night giddy; yes, giddy.

Bonus: This morning I was a *MODEL* for my stylist who is seeking new employment at a chic salon in town. I received a complimentary color and cut for my "help". He gave me a rockin', cutting-edge cut and color, WooHoo! Bonus-Bonus: The salon he's seeking employment from has this small, German, shampoo lady who MADE MY DAY. I've never, EVER, had a shampoo like that, not even from my own Momma and if I could afford it, I'd go there every-single-day to let her shampoo my hair. I think I should have tipped her but I don't know the protocol for all that foo-foo stuff.

I'm definitely struttin' my stuff into Williams Sonoma tonight!

Now if only I could somehow finagle my hubby into giving me a pedicure tonight, I'd surely turn into *A Princess* before sunrise.

I'll let you know tomorrow if you should start adding a title to my name or curtsy-ing(?) when approaching me.

Ha, ha.


Katie said...

Dont hold your breath on that pedicure... no seriously, breathe. Its kind of funny that you go in there for cookies and treats once a week, but we all know you do bizarre things regularly =]

Amy said...

Bizarre is the new...something.

What would you say to a paid flight/trip to Huntsville, say somewhere around November 15, 16, 17???

Gerald was already supposed to have contacted you a couple of weeks ago but his head wasn't screwed on tight and, we are.

Our auction is Nov. 16th so I'm not asking just for all fun and games--we need a good babysitter...j.k.! We need someone (hint:Katie Woodworth) to help run the Auction Software--someone familiar with it who won't be running around looking for his head (hint:Gerald) AND besides all that techno stuff, we'd love to have you visit.

Have I mentioned we miss you???

So...lemme know if it's even viable.



Oh yeah, you'd better check with your Mom, as well.

Amy said...


The above comment was for Katie.


tammi said...

Dang! I thought it was a free-for-all invitation to anyone in the blogosphere!
Although I'd imagine that a plane ticket from Albany, Ga to Huntsville would cost approximately $ maybe driving would be better anyway. :) Hubby and I were just mentioning a few days ago how a trip to "bama was in order soon....

Amy said...

My morning just got better! Of course, we've been talkin' about visiting Rabun Gap for awhile and haven't done it yet.

We definitely need to come see you guys with the new addition and all. I think the next time our schedule frees up is Fall Break in October but we've been mulling over a beach rental in Gulf Shores then.

We'll have to talk some more.

Amy said...

What I meant to say, "visiting the Coxes in Rabun Gap".

Not to be confused with Albany. :)