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Monday, September 24, 2007

Did You Know 2.0

My hubby forwarded this YouTube to me after it went around his workplace staff on Friday, compliments of someone's someone that works for NASA in HSV.

My hubby has mentioned some of the same stats to me over the past couple of years b/c educators HAVE to know these things;actually seeing it really made it stick though.

It's frightening, exciting and mind-boggling! Wow!

I hope I live long enough to just see a part of what my children's generation will accomplish.


tammi said...

That was cool.

Long, but cool :)

Katie said...

yes long. but it was pretty cool.
now more please...

Katie said...


Anonymous said...


Amy said...

Mark- You're ALIVE! I thought I'd offended you or something...with that C.H.I.P.S. comment....a long time ago. Of course, if that was the case, you would have just told me to kiss your butt...or mooned me. :0)


Yes, long but not as long as it would have been, were it not *cool*.

What did I just say???

No blogs tomorrow, folks. School Golf tourney and then I'm transporting...who cares; just no blog tomorrow. Maybe Tuesday.

Amy said...

Oh, it's already tomorrow. No blog today, folks.

Folks?!? I'm so weird.