Wet Dog is what our dishwasher sometimes smells like after it's run through a complete wash/rinse/sanitize/dry cycle. I open the dishwasher, poof, steam facial, wet dog smell.

Drinking from a glass that smells like wet dog is not very appealing to me, let alone guests that may happen by.
It hasn't been confined to just our current home, it has happened in EVERY home we've ever lived that had a dishwasher.
And, it's an equal opportunity smell. Old dishwasher, new dishwasher, doesn't matter.
I've even tried different liquid scents thinking maybe one scent has a weird after-smell. Original dishwasher liquid, Berry dishwasher liquid, Citrus dishwasher liquid; yes, even powdered detergent.
Nothing takes the disgusting smell away except running the whole load through again! Who has time for that? Certainly, not I! I've actually resorted to throwing cut up lemons in the rinse cycle and/or white vinegar in hopes that the smell will be obliterated.
Still, wet dog. Run the dishes through another cycle.
It has, until today, driven me to the brink of insanity. Well, maybe not that far but it really, REALLY bothers me!
It hasn't been confined to just our current home, it has happened in EVERY home we've ever lived that had a dishwasher.
And, it's an equal opportunity smell. Old dishwasher, new dishwasher, doesn't matter.
I've even tried different liquid scents thinking maybe one scent has a weird after-smell. Original dishwasher liquid, Berry dishwasher liquid, Citrus dishwasher liquid; yes, even powdered detergent.
Nothing takes the disgusting smell away except running the whole load through again! Who has time for that? Certainly, not I! I've actually resorted to throwing cut up lemons in the rinse cycle and/or white vinegar in hopes that the smell will be obliterated.
Still, wet dog. Run the dishes through another cycle.
It has, until today, driven me to the brink of insanity. Well, maybe not that far but it really, REALLY bothers me!
I have, at last, devised a plausible theory--follow along, please:
The horrid entity only makes the NON-POROUS dishes smell like wet dog; plastic never has the smell, even though plastic absorbs smells.
WHY DOESN'T THE PLASTIC SMELL?!? It drives me nuts because that's so nonsensical.
I think the plastic dishware may bring about this smell; maybe some chemical reaction?
I'm testing my theory right now as I had a load of Wet Dog Dishes today.
I'm only running through nonporous dishes. Of course, if the smell disappears, it will not actually support my theory because the answer could be just rewashing the dishes.
Of course, neither will it disprove my theory :0)
I need to do a controlled study but have neither the time nor patience for such frivolities.
I just hope somebody out there reading this has experienced the same phenomenon.
Maybe I'm just CRI-ZA-ZY!
Sidebar: Mark, I was cleaning out the fridge today and buried in the bottom of the "snack" drawer was some cheese bars you all brought with you at Thanksgiving. Would you like me
to save them for you? I could have Mom and Dad bring them back to K.C. after Spring Break.
The horrid entity only makes the NON-POROUS dishes smell like wet dog; plastic never has the smell, even though plastic absorbs smells.
WHY DOESN'T THE PLASTIC SMELL?!? It drives me nuts because that's so nonsensical.
I think the plastic dishware may bring about this smell; maybe some chemical reaction?
I'm testing my theory right now as I had a load of Wet Dog Dishes today.
I'm only running through nonporous dishes. Of course, if the smell disappears, it will not actually support my theory because the answer could be just rewashing the dishes.
Of course, neither will it disprove my theory :0)
I need to do a controlled study but have neither the time nor patience for such frivolities.
I just hope somebody out there reading this has experienced the same phenomenon.
Maybe I'm just CRI-ZA-ZY!
Sidebar: Mark, I was cleaning out the fridge today and buried in the bottom of the "snack" drawer was some cheese bars you all brought with you at Thanksgiving. Would you like me

feel free to go ahead and eat or dispose of the cheese. although i think it takes a really long time for cheese to go bad. let it set around and grow mold, then when mom gets sick when she is there you can feed it to her. don't they make medicine with mold? anyway, eat up!!!!!!!!!
You are sooo in trouble with Mom if she reads this; it's a good thing they need your expertise to replace their "Main Line" :)
im thinking that I know exactly what you're talking about. im the person that gags when I put a glass up to my face and i smell the nice wet dog you speak of... Honestly I dont know what you can possibly do to get rid of it. I always just rewash- which is a pain...
I'm glad that there are other weirdos out there, just like me. I can always count on you :)
yup. you're weird.
so is steve though.
he won't put ice in his drinks because he SWEARS that the ice dispenser in the fridge makes gross-smelling ice that taints his beverages and makes it smell, and taste weird.
you freaks.
Did anything come of the experiment with the dishwasher and the wet dog smell. I'm having the same problem with a brand new dishwasher.
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