The last of the fifth grade zombies just left.
I got some kicks last night ambushing the gun-totin', be-goggled fifth grade nothings with a stockpile of water balloons...and it felt GREAT!
Until they started shooting me w/those little bebees. I have red welts all over.
And who brought the automatic?!?

I should have put hot sauce on their eggs this morning, little suckers.
The best part of the evening was about 10p when Gerald showed up w/Nathan, Jake's best friend. He left yesterday afternoon for Atlanta, traded Molly for Nathan and surprised the heck outta Jake last night.
It was a great reunion--hugging, tears. Who would've thought from fifth grade boys?
So, I'm left w/bright green icing on the carpet, several Mountain Dew spills, something green and gross stuck to the couch, two pair of goggles, one flashlight, a pair of size 12R jeans and a best friend.
All in all, we did survive.
I'm gonna' go sit on the backporch swing, listen to the chirping birds, drink some sweet tea and contemplate how best to clean up all the minute neon bebees all over the place.
I like quiet parties Did the "Survivor" have any help? She must be made out of steel. G E.
Glad you made it out of there alive. I think you deserve a girl's night out and some R&R.
yeah, fat chance - but it sounded nice, right? :)
Hope you're recovering....
And now maybe you could tell us how your previous blogs affected your entire life.
I'm dyin' over here waiting for part III.
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