It's the sun. See us in the background? Didn't even notice, did you?
Me either.
It's called a prominence. For full effect, click to enlarge.
Wanna' see it in GIF animation? Click here: http://spaceweather.com/swpod2007/11mar07/palmer2.gif
I think it looks like The Phoenix (the mythical Greek bird-god of fire that rose from the ashes).
Explanation? Check it out: http://spaceweather.com/
that's cool.
I've been jones'n for a tattoo for about a year or so. I've decided I want it to be a phoenix, but I haven't found a picture of it I like well enough to get permanently inked on my flesh.
That one won't work either, but it's cool. :)
soo Im thinking that if you ever cut your hair like you were saying forever ago... you should put a picture of yourself up there so we can see it.
i second that motion.
I did cut my hair...but I'm getting it cut again Wednesday b/c it's grown ALOT and it's driving me nuts.
Maybe I'll post a pic...when I lose about 50lbs; pics are SOOO overrated.
I've been "jones'n" for a nosedart (that's what I call them) for about a year. I have yet to find a reputable-lookin' tat place here to get pierced. You both come visit and we'll all go together.
Would you both leave me alone?
I realized you cannot both leave me alone AND come visit, so just come visit.
Watch Miami Ink?
We NEED to go THERE.
Miami...and the tatoo place.
I agree (about Miami AND Miami Ink)
As for the nose dart...who needs reputable?? When I got mine done I think the guy who did it was slightly high and it turned out fine. He even wore gloves and everything so I don't *think* I have a blood-borne disease. Ignorance is bliss.
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