Zac: "Hey, Mom, what's that word?"
Me: "What word?"
Zac: "You know, wolfs."
Me: "Oh, yeah, it's wolves...vvvzzz"
Zac: "wolfffs...vvvzzz"
Me: "If you have one goose, you say 'goose'; what if you have more than one, what's the word?"
Zac: "I don't know."
Me: "Geese."
Zac: *laughs*
Me: If you have one deer, you say 'deer'; what if you have more than one, what's the word?"
Zac: "TWO deer!"
Me and Zac: *laugh, laugh, laugh*
oh my gosh! this is awesome. Little zackiee pooo!
Did you get tagged by Tams? I should have tagged YOU. Darn. How's school going?
Just read back through all my commentors. We gained a kid back in September...Nathan Cox.
He's living with us for the school year - I don't know all the explanations behind it, Roger and Gerald talked it through. It's been great for Jake and Nate but it'll be a killer for them when summer comes. :0(
We're all enjoying Nate and since his family can't live without him very long, they come visit about every month, which we all enjoy, of course.
It's a blessing and I'm enjoying it since he's hardly any work and he entertains Jake. Jake takes alot of entertainment. :)
School's school. Whatever. Im going through application and interview processes right now for a couple colleges.
That's great about Nathan. I think thats great that they are back together. I'm sure they are loving that. Tell everyone I said hi. I miss all of you guys! Ahh the cox and porter clan! lol. Talk about baby-sitting... it was like a party every-time. =]
So is it just for this school year? or do you not know at this point?
Nope, tammi didn't tag me. I haven't been blogging consistently lately, but I try when I can.
I miss you guys!
Just for this school year unless something changes.
Where are you applying?
I've noticed that you haven't been blogging.
Man, I should have tagged you. Just pretend like I did...quick, seven randoms. :0)
Was is REALLY a party or are you just being unusually vague?
You renaming the title of your blog really throws me for a loop.
i'm scrolling down my blog reader and see that I have posts to read from the blog Bump.Set.Spike. ???
I'm thinking my blog reader has been hacked!spammed!security breach!code red! so I click on it cautiously and see that oh, it's just amy. Who's remanmed her blog.
You keep me on my toes woman.
All that aside, Anna's the libero?? Awesome! I can see it....but if she's as tall as her dad, she's going to have to be moved to outsider hitter or middle. Probably middle.
I'm just saying.
Well, her feet have grown tremendously just recently and she's finally overtaken Jake by about a half an inch. I think she's on the verge of a major growth spurt and it's about time!
Guess what? I changed the name again.
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