I'm officially a working mom as of the last two weeks. *Please, hold the applause until the end.* It's a school uniform store, not rocket science, but it has me dealing w/Moms who can be severely anal and they're on my everlasting nerve today. The job is only part-time and will be significantly moreso after school starts next week, so I'll still be in the SAHM club, just a little more wigged out than I used to be.
Mondays. I remembered today why I hated them so, back when I was a "career woman". I forgot to time in this morning so when I timed out for lunch, the computer was actually timing me in to work for the day. My day was all backward after that.
Well, just thought I'd check in to see who might be reading; apparently, everyone has checked out since my signing off last month. Bums.
Well, off to bed, it's late.
i'm reading, but apparently you don't like family.
Like you don't feel the same some days? :0) Mmm-hmm.
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