Despite having sworn off any new posts just a short month ago, I had to post a video for family. Friends are welcome, as always, because honestly, mostly I like you better. And I'm sure I'll pay for that sentence. Oh well.
So, how are things in your neck-o-the-woods, 'cause let me tell ya', it's been hellishly hot in Alabama and it's not yet even August.
How hot is hellishly hot? Here's a visual for you:

Please note THE TIME on the clock....
That's PM! (although it was actually only 4:30 - cheap batteries.)
What in the H.E. (fill in your choice)?!?
Under such harsh conditions and with four of my own and three of their friends sleeping over for three nights, I only had one choice...throw them ALL in the pool, ALL DAY. The pool water felt just slightly less refreshing than bath water in HADES.
So, boredom struck after spending five or six hours in the pool, (not really thaaat long, Mom...crossing my fingers behind my back ;] ) the kids had a grand idea and I just "happened" to have my camera handy. The grand idea kept them content for another hour, at which point we emptied a popsicle box for the fifth time this week, then went inside for some Hannaaahhh Montanaaaa. Woo! What? ME? A CYNIC? I'm not a cynic, palease.
Watch this cool video and stay COOL wherever you are. :0)
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