Yes, my loyal readers (all four of you), I do have a million alpha letters floating in my head, whole paragraphs of them, actually.
I have blogs up my sleeve, but
Until I have more time...
And my computer quits acting like it's overdosed on Dial-Up...
Those little alphas will just keep floating, bumping into each other, causing brain spasms and cravings for...
More later--have to go help first graders learn computer (Actually, they help me). Ha!
soooo yea. You definitely are slacking lately.. And Gerald still hasn't called me back so make him do that =]
I just told G and he said, "Crap"! Tell her she's "on my list".
Sorry, Kat, I don't know which list that is b/c I've never known G to really keep lists. Hopefully, since it's almost Christmas, it's the good list...but I seriously doubt it.
I do know that they've moved the auction to April 11th...I think. I'll get back to you, I might be confusing dates.
Wondering what's been up with you in Porter land.....what're you guys doing for Tgiving??
BBall tourney...woo...hoo
That means that I'll be doing all the T'giving preps by myself w/all the "little kids" on Wed night.
We might just have pizza this year.
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