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Friday, November 2, 2007


We've lived in HSV for a little over 18 months.

When we were contacted about an interview, we were like, "HMMM... ALABAMA."

It's small by big city standards but huge for a town that's relatively unknown. You would have to come see it to know what I mean. I consider it a well-kept secret.

HSV plays a large part in our nation's missile defense system. This is good and bad. Consider us well-protected, then realize that this year we were moved UP from #3, to #2 on "THE" list. You know, "X marks the spot," "Bullseye".

But at least we don't have alligators and hurricanes--right, Mom?

HSV builds rockets, satellites--basically all the "space and aeronautical stuff;" we are a major support to Cape Canaveral on launch days. We also build Toyotas and LG products. Actually, HSV is drowning in industries.

HSV has the most engineers per capita of any city in the USA. Something like 1 out of every 11 people. "Somewhere" out in California ranks second, with something like 1 of every 23 people.

Most of the SAHM's I know here, have Master's degrees in engineering or some other math- and science-based subject.

There is money here--old and new; it's usually VERY simply understated.

The German rocket scientist, Werner Von Braun, and his team of German rocket scientists that we "acquired" as part of a WWII peace treaty, played a huge part in HSV's history. Story goes Von Braun picked HSV for his home base because we sit in a valley and the landscape reminded him of his motherland, as well as, provided some secrecy for developing military rockets. We have much beautiful, European-inspired architecture in our historic districts and parks, as well as, botanical gardens and a planetarium.

HSV has alot of military in our airspace and lots of "booms" from testing of propulsion systems on rockets and Boeing's new aircraft systems. It's going to be getting noisier soon as they are going to begin testing the rocket boosters on the newest line of space vehicles that will be replacing our aging shuttles. They have not done this kind of testing since the 1970's, from what I understand, and many of the "oldtimers" around here say that when they begin, it will feel like an earthquake when they fire up the boosters. We used to live five minutes from Cape Canaveral, FL, and the shuttle lift-offs felt like I imagine an earthquake would feel. Everyone should experience the power of a shuttle lauch at least once in their lifetime; it's awesome! Anyway...

HSV has a numerous active community--walking trails,bike paths, marathons, cyclists clubs, Sierra Club, hiking trails, caves, cavers and a large Geocaching community; we have the Tennessee River, the Flint River, lakes, waterfalls; farms interspersed with cotton and corn fields and an International Airport; we're within short driving distance to Nashville, Atlanta, New Orleans, parts of Mississippi and Arkansas, as well as, the white-sand beaches of Florida.

HSV, with it's space and engineering base, of course has a very culturally-diverse city: German, Korean, Chinese, Indian just to name a few.

HSV has a very religiously-diverse city: Protestant, Jehovah-Witness, Methodist, C.O.C., Mormon, Community, Episcopal, Christian, A.O.G., Anglican, Jewish, Conscious-Living, Muslim, Adventist, all the Baptist sects, Holiness, Catholic, Unitarian, Non-Denominational, Lutheran, Nazarene, Bible, Inter-denominational, Presbyterian; Korean church, Spanish church, Chinese church. We have two new churches--Church TV and Building Church--don't know what they're about yet. And these are just the churches that I can think of that are within a couple of miles of our home. Seriously diverse for Alabama.
HSV has mountains, hills and valleys.

HSV has just enough of each season...not too cold but it does get pretty warm. We can drive to North Carolina in a few hours to see snow or ski.

HSV has two major hospitals with specialties in cardiology, orthopedics, breast cancer, neo-natal and a newly-opened St. Jude Children's Hospital Annex.

HSV has one of the largest army bases, Redstone Arsenal, with a thriving military community that will be growing by 10,000 more in the next few years, due to BRAC. Not sure I'm liking the traffic this is bringing, especially those crazy drivers from the Washington area.

HSV has beautiful, massive, plantation homes in our historic downtown. Our historic district has been well-maintained and still functions as a traditional downtown area that includes businesses, hotels, restaurants, jazz/blues clubs, coffee houses, ballroom/swing/big band dance clubs, a series of hands-on, children and art museums, as well as, homes/condos.

HSV has THE Space Camp!

HSV has many, many schools and several rank at the top in Math and Science testing.

HSV is chock-full of restaurants. Literally, any type of food you could want. Upscale, mom-n-pop, traditional Southern, Mexican to German to Thai.

HSV has two malls, at least four theatres, several bowling alleys, skating rinks, a swimming center, ice center, country clubs, putt-putt golf and a stop on the Robert Trent Jones golf trail; we have everything from trailer homes and dowtown condos to antebellum mansions, planned community cities, upscale apartments and homes in gated communities, teetering on the sides of mountains, starting at a measley, 8 Mil.

What more could we possibly want? What more could Huntsville, Alabama offer?

How about KETCHUP--L.A. Ketchup, that is.

This week, HSV had a grand opening ceremony for it's newest development. I've been watching it go up since we moved here and I had NO IDEA how big this thing is; from the highway, it just looks like a slightly larger hotel but apparently, it's also shopping, condos, entertainment and food. It's being billed not as a Mall, but a DESTINATION.

A Destination. In Huntsville, Alabama.

We have a guy in town interviewing and we're supposed to take him out to eat Sunday. I think I'm gonna' come down with a sudden urge for Ketchup during worship time. My hubby has no clue about this new "destination;" he'll think I've gone madly Southern, asking for ketchup. I had better look at the prices first.

I've never even HEARD of half of these places. Truth be told, I probably cannot even afford to know these places exist but I HAVE to go see.

Anyone up for a girl's window-shopping weekend? Tammi? Amy? Sis? Mom?

Grandma, I KNOW you are.

Introducing HSV's Destination. More info here. And here.

Someone, come visit me...soon!


tammi said...

Looks swanky.

Reminds me of West Palm Beach.

Basketball season is getting underway...I'll be looking to get out of dodge soon. :)

Amy said...

Swanky is the perfect word. I'm gonna' try to get G to drive thru there tonight to take a look-see.

Driven thru W.Palm once. All those high-dollar cars were jaw-dropping. comment. :0)

Anonymous said...

Just wish I could come spend a week with you. At my age we would have to stop and rest quite often not the shopper I used to be. Sounds like you are in the middle of the action.

Anonymous said...

So much for anonymous I clicked the wrong button. G E.