This morning I fixed little weenies, or little smokies, however you wish, for the kids for breakfast with some O.J. and onion bagel w/cream cheese. We got up late, but we did pretty good. So, they left for school and I decided to indulge in some little weenies for myself. I took five, a fancy glass full of vanilla yogurt w/some "nutty" nuggets {cheap Grapenuts} on top and a glass of O.J. On a whim, I decided to see just how much fat was in FIVE little weenies. To my horror, FIFTEEN GRAMS OF FAT! Those are certainly not LITTLE, least not on your buttocks. I probably should have made myself gag them back up...but with so much "junk in the trunk," what's five little smokin' dogs?
Gerald and I went walking last night for about an hour and a half. We took some "adventurous" roads that were much steeper on foot than they seem in the car. We like to walk together b/c it always accomplishes two things: 1) we talk alot...and in private, 2) we excercise! We try to make it a habit,
but somehow we always get sidetracked. We have both made a commitment to lose ALOT of weight this year. I'd like to get close to my high school weight--reunion coming soon and I would like for people to be able to recognize me. Anyway, I am definitely SORE this morning but it feels good, in a weird-I'm-losing-weight-or-I'm-becoming-bulimic sort of way. No offense. Wish luck, cross your fingers, pray, feng shui, whatever you do, do it for me :0)
I took a picture of our desk and "office" so that all two, three or four of my followers out there could sneak a peek of where I "work" my blogs. It takes ALOT of wall space to keep track of all the paperwork and schedules that keep us afloat down here in Alabama.

I took a picture of our desk and "office" so that all two, three or four of my followers out there could sneak a peek of where I "work" my blogs. It takes ALOT of wall space to keep track of all the paperwork and schedules that keep us afloat down here in Alabama.
The next picture is a picture of my laundry--all clean! But, alas, not folded. I stayed up and folded all of it last night; it's now all tucked snug in each kid's basket, ready to go to their rooms this afternoon after school. Went out and bought each of them a cute, little xsmall basket for them to keep their socks.
Socks are a tough item of clothing to keep track. I really despise them; I immensely loved going barefoot and, most of the time, shoeless in FL. Except for those darned fire ants...and pine needles...and the grass {which is really a vine} was prickly. The sand was soft though...and warm. Ahhh, sand in my shoes...got used to it, but still never really enjoyed it.
BLAST! Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've heard blasting of test missiles. Took me back a little. It's been pretty cold here. Only 45 yesterday for the high. They're predicting "wintry mix" here on Tuesday, they'll probably call off school--hilarious! They have to close the mountain passes, etc. They have, like, ONE snow/salt truck. WOW!
So, I missed the President's speech last night, dang-it. I think I know what he had to say, though; he's pretty unflinching when he sets his mind on something. I appreciate a strong leader in our top office; what do they say, "A strong leader always has much controversy around him?" Makes sense. I'm gonna' have to get off of this thing so that I can watch FOXNews to see what everyone's saying.
One more thing, today is "I believe Thursday" on the local "positive" radio station out of Nashville. They're talking about THE speech last night. They report fairly, no leaning either way. I appreciate that; it's certainly unusual in this day. It rocks! So much more so than our "positive" radio station in FL, for those of you privy to that information. I find in inspiring and most often, humbling to listen to what people say about their belief, especially during hard times. The hardest one was the week after the bus full of kids plunged off the overpass down here--Thanksgiving week. Terribly heartwrenching, and yet, brought the community together. Four teenage girls died, for those of you who maybe did not hear about the tragedy. A couple of them had small babies of their own and were overcoming many trials in their own lives. They were all four Christians, if I remember right, part of a HUGE missionary Baptist church here in Huntsville. God's reasons are most often not easy, but in a weird way, they are comforting. Knowing a loving, REAL God has charge over everything is always comforting. That's peace, in these hard times.
BLAST! Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've heard blasting of test missiles. Took me back a little. It's been pretty cold here. Only 45 yesterday for the high. They're predicting "wintry mix" here on Tuesday, they'll probably call off school--hilarious! They have to close the mountain passes, etc. They have, like, ONE snow/salt truck. WOW!
So, I missed the President's speech last night, dang-it. I think I know what he had to say, though; he's pretty unflinching when he sets his mind on something. I appreciate a strong leader in our top office; what do they say, "A strong leader always has much controversy around him?" Makes sense. I'm gonna' have to get off of this thing so that I can watch FOXNews to see what everyone's saying.
One more thing, today is "I believe Thursday" on the local "positive" radio station out of Nashville. They're talking about THE speech last night. They report fairly, no leaning either way. I appreciate that; it's certainly unusual in this day. It rocks! So much more so than our "positive" radio station in FL, for those of you privy to that information. I find in inspiring and most often, humbling to listen to what people say about their belief, especially during hard times. The hardest one was the week after the bus full of kids plunged off the overpass down here--Thanksgiving week. Terribly heartwrenching, and yet, brought the community together. Four teenage girls died, for those of you who maybe did not hear about the tragedy. A couple of them had small babies of their own and were overcoming many trials in their own lives. They were all four Christians, if I remember right, part of a HUGE missionary Baptist church here in Huntsville. God's reasons are most often not easy, but in a weird way, they are comforting. Knowing a loving, REAL God has charge over everything is always comforting. That's peace, in these hard times.
Have you noticed more and more believers coming out of the woodwork in Hollywood these days? Sylvester Stallone was on the radio last night, talking about his new movie. We went to see it over Christmas and it was a pretty good movie. There was an old boxing "foe" of Rocky's that read the Bible and prayed OFTEN in the movie. This did not go unnoticed by me. They say EVERYthing in a movie means something; EVERY little move is planned or scripted. Anyway, last night he was talking about Hollywood and all the "faith" films being made. Talked about his faith alot--definitely inspiring. He's friends w/Mel Gibson and says that whole thing was blown totally out of proportion, which I figured. {Can I just say, that when you do something as big as "The Passion," the devil is gonna' come at you HARD. Obviously, he's coming hard at Mel. You could say alot of things, but it's all hearsay. I think that "The Passion" speaks highly of who he really is, what he believes. He's not a perfect person, he's a sinner; imagine that!} I'm so excited, and apprehensive, at the same time. It's AWESOME to be a part of this time in history and I don't know what it is about our life, but in the past few years we've taken many new paths in our life and we've been priviledged to meet MANY people that know alot of Hollywood insiders. Hollywood is changing...a little, and I believe it's the next step this next generation will take in changing our world. Yes, the media. It's here to stay no matter how much you rail against it. We, as believers, need to learn to "go with the flow" sometimes and use it for God's glory, not spend so much time in a worthless battle. Jane Fonda, Mel Gibson, Patricia Heaton, Bono, Sylvester Stallone, Kirk Cameron, Faith Hill, Allen Jackson, Rascal Flat, The Afters. Authors, actors, singers, songwriters, producers and music execs behind the scenes. Sony is actually seeking out and signing deals to do many, many faith-based films. Yeah, Sony. Look up all the new, awesome churches growing rapidly in CA. Notice how bold and outspoken is this generation? They care about it all...faith, environment, politics, family, morals. Go Next Generation!! Has there BEEN a generation like this? I don't know. The songs they sing are incredible and inspiring. They call out the church, they talk about issues, they're starting change within the church and that is where it needs to begin; where it should begin. {Sidebar here: rent the movie, "Luther". GREAT movie about Martin Luther, his life, the 95 Thesis, the Inquisition and his faith. He was YOUNG! It will inspire you if you're a little weary in your faith} There IS something going on, don't *BLINK,* you might miss it.
WOW, heavy for this early in the morning...sorry, must have been my breakfast of champions.
HUG your kids today. Buy them something special...a lollipop, an apple cider, just because. Hope your day is AWESOME and INSPIRING!
HUG your kids today. Buy them something special...a lollipop, an apple cider, just because. Hope your day is AWESOME and INSPIRING!
wow - that post was everywhere. like a "fart in a whirlwind" as my father-in-law would say.
Hmmm...lets see if I can remember it all:
I hate those little weinie things. My mom would sometimes wrap them in a crescent roll and bake them - gross. Processed pig parts in the shape of a weiner - not exactly a culinary delight.
Walking is good fun. Especially when you can do it with hubby, sans children. I'm jealous. :)
Nice office space. Ours will be going in for a complete makeover to make room for baby. I think a trip to Ikea is in order. Wanna come with??
Hey, at least your laundry makes it out of the basket and to your clean floor. Ours stays jammed in the basket for about 2 days until we have to redo the whole thing because it's impossibly wrinkled and the clothes dump out into a wad of clothes in the square shape of the basket.
Like your new couch, by the way.
I can't remember what else was in this blog.
oh yeah, haven't seen the new couch. a gift from my parents--they're remodeling and it doesn't fit their design decor anymore. lucky for us; unfortnately, we had to agree to take an old organ that we've had since I was a kid. I'll have to take a pic of that and post it soon. Like they say, nothing is really free.
ha! i had no idea you had to take the organ. that thing is like some kind of precious heirloom to mom and dad for some strange reason. they tried to get me to take it...i had a terrible vision of myself as an aging spinster in an old apartment on the 2nd floor of an old buiding...smoking cigarettes by the truckload (and of course i had that patty/selma voice from the simpsons)... surrounded by about 15 cats with varying degrees of mange...playing that old organ. the organ unfortunately fits that image perfectly, doesn't it? anyway, i laughed immediately and told mom no as nicely as i could.
oh, that weenie thing is so disgusting; it goes to show that the only kind of weenie that is somewhat edible is the hebrew national beef frank. try 'em. they're kosher, so none of the "unclean" crap that so liberally fills our gentile weiners.
ummm...i'm really trying to refrain from commenting on religion (like saying that i really hope that there is growth in getting back to true christianity; the kind that teaches about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and not about "religion," which in my opinion is the greatest enemy of God that exists and has put a terrible taste in people's mouths--especially those who need it the most) and politics (like saying that "strong" is not necessarily the descriptor for someone who "sets his mind on something" then refuses to see mistakes or wrong turns or problems or listen to his advisors, etc.,etc. it may be "stronger" to be humble, admit you're a human and make mistakes, then re-think things a little. and, some people create much controversy around themselves. everyone's not a martyr)...which brings me to mel gibson. same comment as the last sentence, but don't worry, i really have great respect for mel. but he did mess up big time; you don't just have to watch the devil--you have to watch your own words and actions.
oh, and NPR is my fave unbiased radio. okay, that's enough. i think i wrote as long a book as you. are we related?!?
p.s. goes w/o saying, but even with some pretty basic disagreements, still always love you, sis!
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