That bothers me.
I know it's to "save" me.
Actually, to save "Dell" (our computer).
I'm really curious to know what is behind "Door Number One."
What is behind that blocker?
What if it is a new friend I'll never meet?
What if it is a prize I'll never win?

What if it would lift my spirits just when I needed it?
What if it is something that would forever change my life?
And Yours.
What if it is my destiny?
What If.
What if you are the only person who actually thinks pop ups could be a good thing?
Sorry if that comes off overly sarcastic. I had a bad day. But hey im sarcastic everyday so whatever.
hey, at 2 in the morning, pop-ups could prove to be very entertaining. Much more so than your sarcasm :0)
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