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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Can We Talk? A random, wild, uncontrolled conversation with myself. A needed release. Please ignore the grammar (and sorry for the long title).

As much as I like adventure and seeing, learning and experiencing new things, people, and places, moving is always so very lonely for me. I'm sure it is for most people, but this is about me. I know, Rick Warren, but humor me.
Nothing is familiar except those who move with you, and the dirty, trashed car in which you find your way around the new town. I find myself in that place now. LonelyVille - way out on the back acreage of LonelyVille; the part that hasn't been annexed by anyone; there's not even any modern utilities way out in these parts of LonelyVille. I've met hundreds of people, I am in the midst of them almost daily; and yet, I'm alone to whack down the weeds from the path I'm now traveling. I despise the whacking.
The kids have started school, establishing friends and new routines.
Hubs is off to a great start, no surprise - adventure suits him to a 't'. Nothing about moving bothers him - it revitalizes him even. If he was a superhero, he'd be "Adventure Man". Lame.
But me - total introvert. I've learned to be "on," at a moment's notice, but tbh, it's exhausting. Very.
And I find when the house is all quiet but for the ticking of the Cuckoo clock, the loneliness is deepened by the exhaustion of too many and too much "new".
At 43, I would be lying if I said I wasn't tired of "new;" and yet, this is the very life that I gave myself to so many years back when I stopped fighting and started accepting. It began before we ever began to think about moving from our home state. It actually began after Molly was born and I no longer could control my life. I was drowning, and I refused to ask for help. I was a stubborn jackass who thought I could be everything, and do everything, and know everything without knowing anything at all. So much ridiculous for one person, right?
And along came my Savior who saved me from my controlled, self-induced drowning, and said,"Just give it up; give it to Me. I'm here to help you. I won't harm you. Trust Me."
A Savior who saves us from so much more than just hell? Who woulda' thunk it, Legalism? I let Christ out of the ticket booth, and let him take control of my Ferris wheel-rollercoaster-funny-crazy life. Cause really, I'm just a clown with big trippy shoes, a honky nose, and a scary, smear-painted face that laughs and cries at the same time. He directs our circus daily. Ring Master and King of Kings. Pretty freaking awesome resume' He has.
I'm tired, but I feel better for writing all this down. I'm sure that it could very well land me in court-appointed Therapy if the wrong person reads it, or my kids use it against me one day. Hey, another adventure!
Seriously though, I'll pray for you. You pray for me. We'll get through this life with a little help from our friends, and the Ultimate Ring Master.


Unknown said...

I just love you!!!!!
and I miss you!!!!!
and I'm sad that you don't live out in the boonies near me and that we can pop over to Tuesday Morning and Arby's.
BUT... I'm praying for you and I can do that from this "B" side of my life. It wasn't what I wanted and you know that I was here, figuratively kicking and screaming, but I'm starting to see a glimmer of why God plopped me down here. I want to thank you for being my friend last year.... God knew that I needed you. God knew you would "get" me and God knew that I would love you bunches! I'm praying that God "plops" down some other crazy, loud person that wants to make you sit in the center section at basketball games... but maybe not as cute as me... heehee
Can't wait to see your cute self here on the "B" side!!!!!

Amy said...

Haha, Moni, you make me cry. Love you and miss you and miss Arbys! :)
See you soon.