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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where To Begin...

Haha. Trying to decide where to begin blogging after having been off Blogger for over a year now, my mind reached waaay back and pulled out the line from a famous children's song, "Finnegan, begin again..." and then I hear from my earphones, "you're so 2000 and late..." Haha, that's so me, I agree.

Well, we're off and moving once more. Columbia, South Carolina, here we come, ready or not. Having been there previously for just a few days to look for housing and get acquainted, and now sitting back here all comfy at my desk, in our home we've lived in for four years; in a city where you can drive to anything in 15 minutes; in a neighborhood that has such a low crime rate, it's unusual for us to LOCK our doors, I can't say that I'm overly thrilled at moving back into a big city.

Columbia is about the size of Kansas City Moe, where I spent the first 24 years of my life before we entered the life of school administration and started moving further, and further, south (yes, we did live in Florida first and while geographically it is further south, it's certainly not "Suthun").

South Carolina is definitely Southern - the accents give creedence to that label. Hoping to quickly learn the eccentricities of the SC accent before making a fool of myself as I did in AL the first couple of weeks we were there, confounded by a hairstylist saying, "length" when I thought he was saying, "lint". You could imagine.


tammi said...

Ahhh.yes, the Southern vernacular.

Ever tell you about the birthday party I went to and was introduced to the hostess LeeAnne. Lovely woman.
Too bad I found out about an hour later that her name is actually LYNN.


Congrats on your next adventure!

Amy said...

LOL! I don't know, maybe us Yanks are the weird ones....

NOT. As if. Could you imagine?