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Friday, August 14, 2009

YO! Where My Honey Bees At?

Funny story...

(btw, right now I SHOULD BE doing laundry)

About a month ago, I was doing some shopping for a trip and being that I have a thing for pj's, I was in the pj aisle. Another lady and I were looking at the same pair of pj's which just happened to have honey bees and all-things-honey-bee on them. They were cute, girl!

So, we get to talking because we were both slightly uncomfortable at the fact that another adult knew we were interested in these bright, predominately yellow and black pj's for ADULTS. We each explained to each other why we appreciated this particular theme of pajamas so.

My explanation we won't get into but hers was valid -her hubby was a bee-keeper. One thing led to another in this interesting conversation, in the middle of the day, at Target. I proceeded to ask her if her hubby happened to sell bee pollen (our family eats bee pollen when allergies start to bother us - it works even though it seems weird). None of the health food stores in the area were able to tell us why they couldn't find any to buy this year (you have to buy new each year b/c each year, apparently, your allergies are slightly different; you also have to buy LOCAL bee pollen since your allergies are local).

So, she told me that no, her hubby did not sell bee pollen, at least THIS YEAR. She continued to inform me that all the bee farmers in the area were losing their honey bees. She said it's an epidemic and nobody can figure out why they are dying off and that the honey bee industry is in trouble. My first thought was not, "poor honey bees; what can I do?" I admit it was, "Shoot, I'd better go stockup on honey before the price goes sky-high!"

So, summer got busy, I forgot to go buy honey until today when, somehow, I got to this link: (click on the "featured video")
Who knew that honey bees could dance, let alone krunk
A N D do the disco (seriously, they DO dance, a 'bee' dance, when they find nectar).

So, this is my contribution to the plight of the honey bee. PLANT, PLANT, PLANT some wildflower gardens along your fencelines, people! and pass this info along. Oh yeah, and go rent The Bee Movie, it'll tell you much you didn't know about bees.

Did I buy the pj's? Nobody cares about my choice in pj's! Go help the honeybees. =)


Tammi Nowack said...

That's so interesting! You got me thinking I should stock up on honey too, but I haven't actually bought any in a very long time. I've been using agave nectar - ever tried it? Much more animal-rights friendly. :) It's yummy too...especially in tea.

Did you know you randomly texted me the other day? OR..someone with your old phone number texted me. Do I have your new phone number? It was weird..and you never responded back. RUDE.

Amy said...

About the text - wow, that was a long time ago now but I don't remember texting you for anything. Weird. Was it inappropriate b/c I hope I didn't send out other texts also. =)

What is done to bees that is not animal-friendly? I wouldn't have a clue and no, I've not tried aguave nectar b/c have no idea what it tastes like. Is it the same consistency as honey?

Matthew Chandler said...

whenever i hear "honey bee" i think beyoncé?