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Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm Alive

I'm here. I'm busy.
Thanks for caring.
I see that nobody's even asked about me in weeks.
So, what have you been up to this summer?
Here's a sampling of our summer so far but much, much more to come.
Hope you enjoy; you just never know with family videos.
Meet Sally Pecan (or Sally Beanpod or Sally Chipmunk - whatever her menu choice is at the time), she was Number Two's birthday present way back in February and a GREAT Humane Society find. She's definitely a lady, as evidenced in her debut video. She likes to spend her days reclining by the pool, chasing chipmunks and digging gargantuan holes and directing traffic..
This next one is for my sister who tried to threaten me into not posting it on my Blog. There is a small shot of her derriere, which I just noticed, *oops*, how did that HAPPEN? Well, now I have to post it. That's Sibling Rivalry 101, right? Ignoring that sacred code could send the Earth catapulting through the Milky Way toward the Black Hole.
Next, a spring video that teaches a lesson about life: It's not always about what you see, sometimes, it's about what you hear. Or, you should always watch what you're saying because you never know who is listening in.



Tammi Nowack said...

Your dog eats WATERMELON? I can't even get mine to lick up the crumbs on the floor under the table. I guess he gets to full drinking from the unflushed TOILET and what not.

That last video made me laugh for its randomnicity and G's comment at the end. Which was SO....him.

P.S. I swear, every time I see Nate C. that kid is rubbing his eyes and in a state of infinite fatigue. IS this a teenage thing, or just a Cox thing?

And one more thing....we miss you guys. You make me laugh.

the end.

tammi nowack said...

And you need a Facebook.


tammi nowack said...

And you need a Facebook.


tammi nowack said...

apparently, you need one so badly that I felt the need to say it twice.

Amy said...

WoW! four comments from one person. I was so excited that I had four different people commenting! Oh well.

I DO have a Facebook, I just don't have any friends yet b/c I don't advertise that I have a Facebook. I'm trying to stay on the down-low. Been another tough year - surprise - and I'm thinking of becoming a hermit...seriously. =)

tammi nowack Photography said...

what?! i cant find you on there. you friend me right this minute missy, or you'll be spanked and sent to bed with no dinner.

I need to hear what's going on with you on a more regular basis (seriously)