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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Funny Coincidence

So, there's this funny thing the other day...

I started working end of last year for a merchandising company. Basically, this is how it works:

1. A company...let's say Hunter-Douglas...needs to change out the pricing on their window blinds at Home Depot.

2. They contract their merchandising jobs with the company I work for, who calls me and asks if I want the job - I have 30 days to complete it. It takes about an hour and I make my normal wage.

3. I accept or decline depending on my schedule.

4. If I accept, I go online, print off the job instructions and the company sends me all the new POP materials through FedEx or UPS.

5. On the day I decide to do said job, I go switch everything out - it takes close to an hour.

6. I then email a report that consists of about five questions, back to the company I work for.

7. They send me a check about two weeks later.


Here's the funny part - the company I work for is called Quest Merchandising. A few nights back, G and I were up late watching TV and one of those commercials come on for lonely guys that want a friend to "talk to". I've seen the commercials a hundred times but all of a sudden it struck me - the name of the company is called Quest Personals; OMgosh, I tell G - that's so funny. Wonder if someone we know thinks that, that's the Quest I work for...I've told people that the company I work for just calls, explains the parameters of the job, I then decide if I want to work or not and the job usually takes less than an hour. Funny, huh?

A subsidiary of the company I work for, you ask? I did! Who knows.


Tammi said...

I've heard of stay at home moms getting offered jobs for "phone companies". All they have to do is sit at their house between certain couple of hours, and answer the phone. Easy, right?? Oh, and by the way - you have to talk to "lonely guys" and help to "ease" their loneliness. They pay by the minute.

LOL :)

Good to hear from you guys....we've been wondering what's happened to the Porter family. :) Thought you might've fallen off the face of the planet.

Amy said...

I get paid by the hour. =)

Just the same old stuff, always interesting around here. I'll catch you up sometime.