What is it with my kids recently?
First #4 decides it would be a good idea to walk through his room, toys scattered everywhere, with a blanket covering his head. This is why some people think we evolved from monkeys.
*Boom!* Falls right on the corner of his wooden bed, with the impact to his eye area. His hands were caught under the blanket so his eye took the brunt.
No stitches but a big black eye for Halloween and a $30 visit to the pediatrician to check out his orbital plate. Results inconclusive but, Eureka! $1675 worth of xrays later, he's declared normal as can be...for a kid that likes walking blind. Thank goodness for Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Three weeks later.....
#3, #4, and #5 decide to play a game. #1 who is babysitting doesn't think twice about blindfolding them all for the game; after all, it'll keep them quiet, right? I would have acquiesced, as well.
They all go tromping around the family room, crowded with family room stuff, building supply stuff and master bedroom stuff (we're remodeling). #3 *thinks*, "hmmm...I MUST be right by the sofa so I'm going to fall down and make everyone laugh."
Problem was she was actually right above my cedar hope chest.
We're in the thrift store checkout line, enjoying our Saturday when we get the call. Everyone's calm so hubby says to put a wet washcloth on it and put pressure on it until we get home.
Five minutes later we walk in the door to a trail of blood leading to the bathroom and Molly holding back sobs. I take one look and there's no doubt she's getting stitches...again. This is the fifth or sixth time for her; we've lost count. I drive her to the Women & Children's Center at the hospital, walk into the pediatric ER and we're the only ones there - unbelievable.
$50, two hours and ELEVEN stitches later, we're on our way home for Motrin and some rest.
The bruising and swelling actually got worse until today. Thursday the stitches will come out at the pediatrician's office. That'll be $30 more. You'd think for $50, the ER could take the stitches out, as well.
There's been absolutely no horsing around for several days at our house now, per Mom's orders. It's been absolutely freezing outside so something's gonna' have to give in the next few days; hopefully, it's the weather.
Whoa - good one!
You are so calm. I think I would have been freaking out. Tell the two injured ones that I hope they get better soon... and to be careful!
Also, I think Anna's right about the movie that my room reminds me of being "Rear window". The name sounds familiar.
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