Saturday, October 25, 2008
Me: "What word?"
Zac: "You know, wolfs."
Me: "Oh, yeah, it's wolves...vvvzzz"
Zac: "wolfffs...vvvzzz"
Me: "If you have one goose, you say 'goose'; what if you have more than one, what's the word?"
Zac: "I don't know."
Me: "Geese."
Zac: *laughs*
Me: If you have one deer, you say 'deer'; what if you have more than one, what's the word?"
Zac: "TWO deer!"
Me and Zac: *laugh, laugh, laugh*
Practical Economics

Friday, October 24, 2008
Being tagged means that I'm required to fulfill some sort of requirement; in this case, the requirement is listing seven random things about me. To me, this means they're things that are probably oddities, otherwise, why would I not have shared them by now? It's taken me awhile to think of seven weird things about myself that I would like to share in Bloggerland but, alas, here goes:
1. I hang clothes back on the hangers at stores.
But the kicker is I hang ONLY the items that are hanging off halfway. Items that have already found their way onto the floor, I rarely save. It's an OCD, I guess - it bothers me when an item is hanging there half-cocked. I sometimes wonder if the cashiers notice and if I'm the only one with this quirk. Maybe they'll offer me ajob.
2. Appliance lights bother me.
When my dishwasher has completed its cycle, a little green light comes on; same thing with my washer/dryer and coffee maker. It doesn't matter how hectic my day is or how many schedules with which my brain is overwhelmed, if the little green signal is on when I walk through the kitchen or laundry hall, it catches my eye. I then MUST immediately stop my task at hand, do whatever I have to do to make the little lights go out and then I proceed with my tasks. I guess I feel like my appliances can then truly rest. Must have something to do with watching The Brave Little Toaster too much. My appliances have brains and they care that I notice that their jobs are completed so they can then go out and save Johnny from the world.
3. I'm a home laundry detergent chemist.
My hubby and I prefer different laundry soaps. He likes Tide. He thinks it's the only detergent out there that truly cleans clothes because that's what his mommy used (that's my Freudian theory). I buy whatever is my mood on the days we run out of laundry soap and I think it bothers Gerald that his clothes rarely smell the same way twice and that's funny to me (that's my passive-aggressive nature). Lately, no detergent out there fits my personality completely so I've taken to buying different kinds of detergents that I "sort of" identify with, taking them home and mixing them together. I load the clothes, don my white scrubs, snap my protectice eye equipment into place and put in a beaker of this and a beaker of that and then start the cycle. One day, I'm expecting a chemical reaction to produce a genie that will do all my housework so I can just sit and eat those bon-bon things I keep hearing about.
4. I applied to the FBI and was accepted.
Unfortunately, the first "W" put a hiring freeze into place so I didn't get a call to come work for them until I'd already been married for awhile and then moved to Florida. (Did I mention that it was a job with the secretarial pool?) Yeah but I still had to take several hard tests, pee in a cup while an agent was in the bathroom monitoring me, I was fingerprinted and both my and Gerald's entire family (we were engaged) was thoroughly investigated. Does it say something about me that I found it more eery to be fingerprinted than to have a female agent standing guard just inches from the specimen cup? I felt guilty and I'd never even had a ticket.
5. My favorite form of Art is nudes.
With a background in stifling legalism where especially the female body is presented as evil, the realization that my body is a work of art, with all of its curves and allure created on purpose *gasp* by God, opened my eyes to the beauty of those photographs and sculptures and, ultimately, the beauty of all of creation. I'm biased toward female nudes - we just have better lines.
6. I want to be a Forensic Scientist.
My husband has been on me for awhile to go back to school and finish my degree. I had two years of college and then took a job, planning on taking night classes but I never went back. Then came love, then came marriage... I studied to be a secretary b/c I was really good at right-brained stuff - organizing, typing, shorthand, grammar. In legalism, where they don't push girls to be anything but minister's wives or teachers, not one teacher tried to broaden my horizon. Now that I've lived, if I go back to school, I'd like to take some classes in forensic science and genetic chemistry. I stink BIG-TIME in math, especially formulas, so being realistic, I'd never go for a degree in those fields but I'd love to dabble.
7. I want to live:
- in New York City for a year
- in a cottage in the middle of a lavendar field in Ireland for a year
- on the beach...forever
I've fulfilled my obligation - Yea! I tag Lindsey, my cousin and Sarah, my friend.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Do You Know What Your Kids Are Doing?
As as afterthought before disconnecting, I said in my best Mom voice:
"You older three kids can turn the TV on after the younger three have gone to bed; just be careful what you watch."
Anna: "Oh, that's okay, Mom, we're playing poker."
Ha. Oh, well. :0)
Monday, October 13, 2008