Do you have those people in your life that can make you feel about *yay* tall?
Yeah, you know.
I have two of them and they both hit me two days apart this week--nice timing. They seem to think that my life revolves completely around theirs or that maybe I don't really have a life at all. Or maybe, it's just that the things I do as a SAHM are not so important that they can't be dropped on a whim for the sake of their whim, worry or whine. They'll say they don't think that way about me and my life but their actions SHOUT differently.
Sorry, but I don't play that game though I played it for many, many years. Through alot of pain and loneliness and soul-searching, I've grown up and come to realize within that past four years or so, that my life revolves around whom I decide it does at any given moment. I've also learned that if I don't take time for myself to do the things that I really enjoy, I die a slow death everyday and life's too short for that. Sometimes that infringes on other people's expectations of who or what I should be to them, specifically the expectation that I should be everything to all people at all times because, after all, that's what moms do - right? Proverbs 31 I am not. I have my own interpretation of that passage anyway and it has nothing at all to do with being a perfect woman, wife, daughter and mother. That's another blog for another l-o-n-g day - summer solstice wouldn't be long enough a day.
So when these two people that I love passionately decide that I haven't measured up to their standards, yeah, they can still make me feel *yay* tall but I've learned to overcome, keep right on putting one foot in front of the other and posting a blog about it. :0) I'm not perfect and I've learned to live with that; now they just need to learn to deal with that.
Thanks for listening.
tomorrow is a new day!
Thanks, Mark, never knew you were such a cup-half-full person. How'd I miss that? Probably cause I used to be one myself - why I switched I don't know. Maybe fatigue? :0]
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