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Monday, March 3, 2008

Trying to Spring

Series: About: My Quirks

So, spring is desperately trying to give winter the ole' heave-ho down here and I, being a person who hates being the least bit chilly, am doing my best to help spring cleaning.

Cleaning--especially deep cleaning--brings out the quirk in me, and so, here we go...

A while back, I started purging my kitchen of all things made in China. I had actually started before the big recall of practically all the toys in America, which was sometime in October??? So, I've been at it, on and off, for awhile.

It started with the cheap, painted, plastic cups my children drink from--all MADE in China. I decided I'd probably have to go glass (unless MADE in China) and just cross my fingers that the kids could keep from dropping and shattering, then stepping on shards of glass. I have found in my research however, that Tupperware is made in America, so I scour yard sales and thrift stores for it. So far, I've found three that were in good enough condition, and cheap enough. They're each a different size and color, which concerns me none the least, but I don't think I'll have to worry about possible lead. (Leaching plastic--well, that's another concern about which I'm "quirkin' ".)

Next, I started going through some of my plastic storage containers and throwing them away. I started buying glass storage containers but they're pricey and not very big. So, I'm starting to look at garage sales for the old glass refrigerator containers. I went into a Kmart for the first time in years last week, and to my surprise, the Martha Stewart line carries them--and in green, my fav color. Again, though, out of my price range unless I just have some extra cash laying around and nothing to spend it on--unlikely. BTW, all of the M.S. merchandise I looked at was MADE in U.S.A. Kudos to Martha!

If you feel comfortable buying plasticware, I've looked it over at the store and I think Gladware is MADE in U.S.A. but the Lock-Lock systems and Sterilite are both China-made, as are the Take-A-Long systems. I really like the Lock-Lock products sold at Target but I think I'm gonna have to purge it or just not freeze it or heat it in the micro--both of these actions, I've read, can cause plastics to leach into food. Ugh.

It's weird, I know, but I worry about plastic sandwich bags leaching into everything lunch, not to mention, how much post-consumer waste they probably generate. Since we'd been trying to slowly go "green," awhile back I had quit using plastic bags and instead bought all those little sandwich and chip containers that were reusable, for our lunchboxes...and with five kids taking approximately five baggies a day, five days a week, we alone were making the Ziploc company stockholders happy and my hubby work a second job :0) But then, when surveying my plastic supply, all those little containers were made you-know-where, so out they went especially b/c most of the week, my kids will take leftovers from dinner the night before to heat in the micro at school. school...when they're trying to learn! We're back to Ziplocs for now, until I can find those Tupperware lunchboxes that everybody used to have in the 70's--then I'll still probably send little glass containers for reheating. Unfortunately, glass containers are not allowed in preschool lunchboxes. I sent Zac a small, glass cup awhile back and got a note sent home. Tsk, Tsk. (Nevermind your child being behind in school b/c his brain is saturated with lead, please whatever you do, don't send glass :)

I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting; it's a health-quirk thing but my Mom always said that Moms have a sixth sense and if something doesn't ring true to your sixth sense, go with your sense. I just can't shake that 'what if'... what if ten or twenty years down the road these things have been found to harm my kids? When something that's so simple to change could protect my child's health, I'm gonna change it, quirky or not.

Next there lead in my glass? Is a BEEF hotdog really that different? What makes a turkey organic? Who eats bee pollen? Are those worms in my corn? Starbucks for your garden? Why does cleaning make me sick? Who put the hormones in my milk?

Quirks, all of them.


tammi said...

Good for you! We've (i.e. ME and hubby goes along with it) also been slowly making "green" changes around here...culminating last week with cloth diapering (blog coming soon). Big changes like that (and throwing away everything from China - which probably comprises 90% of the stuff we own) are hard, but feel Soooo rewarding, don't they?

When did you change your blog title?
It threw me for a loop when my blog reader said "no two are the same - 1 new post". I'm thinking WHO THE HECK IS THAT??


Hope all is well....

I should've just emailed.

Anonymous said...

i guess we as a nation are finding out that cheaper isn't always better, not to mention we are dealing with a communist country that forces kids to make half of the things we buy!

Amy said...


I'm trying to come up with a new title--it'll probably change again.
Cloth diapers...I have some stories of my own about them. Used them for a while with Anna; used a cleaning service and all the way back in 1994 when she was born, there were questions as to whether the plastic diapers hurt the environment more or the chemicals they used to clean cloth ones. I think it was pretty much a draw and in the end, I have to say I went shallow for the sake of convenience. :(

Mark -
All economies are global now and there is nothing going to change that. Child labor is unfortunate, sickening and unacceptable but think how America started and all the child labor. Time will bring the issues to light, groups will form and the people of those countries will change as they did in our country. These things evolve, we can demand all we want but in the end the people have to take responsibility for themselves in order for the changes to take place. That's my opinion. :0)

Get any sleep lately? How's Luke? Send me a pic!

Anonymous said...

china has been around for a real long time and they will not change until forced, the way to force it is to not by their products. we buy more than any other country from china therefore we can force them to change. also, if we are the christian nation we say we are we wouldn't stand for the things that go on over there, but for the sake of cheap products we keep buying, and we see what it got us- lead paint on all of our kids toys and who knows what else. you can't justify it with global economy stuff because there are plenty of other countries we impose certain santions on because they don't live up to certain standards. cuba is no different than china but we penelize cuba for certain things...why not china?

it's easy to say its a global economy and not think twice about it, but if it were your or my kids i think things would be alot different. in this day and age nothing like that should ever go on.

luke is fine, no sleep around here!

Amy said...

I don't agree that we can force a country to change. We've put sanctions on Cuba for years, like you said, but they haven't changed; things have only become worse for their people. We won't change a nation unless regime changes happen at the top. That has to come from within the people themselves. They're not America, we cannot impose our labor standards on them.

As for comparing my children to Chinese children. Again, my children live in America and you're talking about China. It's apples and oranges. I debate this myself all the it better to send a little money over there to help a child help his family or is it better to not send any money and then that family suffers more?

A "sweatshop" to us looks terrible but to a people who don't live like we do now--in airconditioned homes, with so many clothes they don't know what they have, food that spoils waiting to be eaten, being paid what they are worth, cars to drive them anywhere from sea to shining sea, and college savings accounts--a sweatshop doesn't look anything the same to them.

A Christian doesn't say to someone, I'll help you only if you do it my way, the way I think is right for you...they say, I'll help you where you are.

China is now an industrial nation; up a notch from where they used to be in the world. We are no longer industrial, those days are long in our past. We're up a notch or two ourselves, to a technology nation. If we quit importing from China tomorrow, we'd both suffer more than financial. I don't agree with everything that China is doing but it's about more than just labor; it involves people, politics, globalization, economics and even religion. To sanction the government, would be to hurt the people, which is not a solution to the problem.

I'm not sure what the soluton is, but I'm sure it's not to ban all things China. It's definitely a catch 22.

I do avoid buying things that are MADE in China, if I can. I now turn over everything and look. If I can buy a similar item, made in USA, for even as much as a few dollars more, I will not buy China. Maybe my thinking is skewed to you but I feel like I've taken a good long look at all the angles and this is where I have landed for now. I was reared in a Union family, I know their arguments but because I was also raised to read, gather info and make my own decision, I looked at other information and listened to other opinions. I've tried to balance. I feel like that is the best way.

BTW, if you shop the Dollar Tree, watch their candy. Some of it is made in China. Not everything in that store is Made in China. They have many items made in USA, as well. Just be vigilant.

Love you, brother. Our family never has regular discussions, do they? Give Luke a kiss for me; cannot wait to see you all!

Anonymous said...

this is not a union issue, this is a human rights issue. a child, no matter where they live should never be inslaved in factories for most of their days. my issue is not with china, it's with americans and their search for the cheapest products they can find. and that too is the reason we are not industrilized anymore because of the bottom dollar. it's eazy to sit over here and say that those people know no different when we here in this country want for nothing. it doesn't make it right what goes on over there. besides, i thought we over here were so dead set against communism, but at the same time we are funding it by buying there products. most of the profit being made is going to the communist government, how can that be right?
we were lead to war in iraq on weapons of mass destruction and then when that didn't pan out we changed our battle cry to evil dictator. why not in china? same things go on over there.

love ya! just a little debate.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you an e-mail about "dust" we all return to "dust" Try wax paper to wrap sandwiches in we used that when I went to school in the 30's
comments are interesting.
G. L.

Amy said...


Interesting comments you make and you know I definitely have some more but we'll have to continue this somewhere else. We're liable to fill up bloggers' servers and take the whole system down, especially if anyone else from our family joins the "debate".

Grandma- I received your "dust" email and of course, forwarded it. Is Grandma E. feeling okay lately? I have waxed paper and I have used it for sandwiches in a pinch. Hmmm, something to think about; I'll have to check it out.

Love you!

tammi said...

You know what's quirky?? When all your text dissapears from your blog

Amy said...

I was messing w/my template last night and then Gerald and I took off to get a movie. I forgot to check my changes after I came back.

All is right is bloggerland now.


Katie said...

oh my gosh! kids!
so anna's hair is gorgeous! tell her i said so. And I didn't read the post because at the moment I dont have time, but I will come back and do so.

Amy said...


Ironically, this pic is actually from LAST March/April.

I'll have new ones next weekend!