Snake Massage
While it’s
not the ideal stress reliever for the faint of heart, knotted muscles slither
away following a snake massage performed in Northern Israel by therapist Ada
Barak at her eponymous spa. For about $70, she’ll sic her six non-venomous
serpents on clients’ aching muscles. As the snakes slip and slide down the
spine, tension supposedly slithers away.

Sooo...Ada was just sitting around one day, thinking "What could I use just laying around the house that would bring in some extra income to help the fam, hmmm...."
Seriously, how much tension and stress could be relieved by having snakes slithering all over your bare skin. More important, what keeps them from slithering places they don't need to be slithering 'cause you know snakes like dark places. Yep, I don't think so even if I was Oprah Winfrey and couldn't find enough ways to spend all my money. See, now this is how rich people and celebrities get caught up in weird stuff.
However, if you have the money to burn and you REALLY, REALLY like snakes, you can find out more about "snake spa specials" and more "unique" forms of spa treatments found round the world here.
Different strokes for different folks is an understatement.
I actually like snakes really, they don't bother me much at all. What irks me most is that someone actually gets PAID to let their snakes crawl all over someone and calls it a spa treatment.
Here....let ME drizzle my scalding hot coffee all over your spine and YOU give me $100 for it. I call it my hot-coffee-endorphin-releasing treatment. It's ta die for.
You could call it the "McDonald's Special". You crack me up.
How about for one hour you get to experience the luxurious feel of ten small hands and feet massaging your spine.
The specially formulated grime on their hands and feet, comprised of organics like poo, sucker juice and chicken finger grease will leave your skin feeling indescribably unique.
For a little extra, transport your senses with the aromatherapy of dirty diapers, sweaty kids, old dog and two day curdled milk, combined with pure primal sounds of children screaming and crying.
I wouldn't even KNOW what to begin to charge for such a treatment. :0)
I find this so disturbing, I was unable to speak for days trying to recover from the horror.
how much do you think somebody would pay for kids to pummel away all their stress the minute they wake up? I could offer that!
where do you find this stuff?
I hate snakes too
Tammi's weird, don't ya' think? Who's not bothered by snakes? :0)
Where ALL the rich people
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