I've had a bit of "writer's block", which I consider absolutely hilarious since I'm not a real writer; of course, some would argue that I am, indeed, a writer since I now blog. In that case, it really strikes me hilarious since this would be all of my third blog. I've been trying for about a week now to write something that I would find interesting enough to read. I've written a couple of drafts, but, alas, they sounded plain stupid when I read back through them. Yeah, I'm "that" type of writer. I read and edit and then re-read and edit some more. You can call me anal, or analytical, or even an A-type, they all apply.
I've been running through things that I could write in my head all day long. I certainly have an abundance of material right here in my own home. Right now, as I'm writing, out of the corner of my eye, I see Anna w/her hair in a turban having just come home from her first basketball game of the season and taken a shower. Molly shaking her booty which is not uncommon to see of Molly; she's always had rhythm and especially likes to display that through her rump. Zac is sitting on the floor, having slept ALL day as he had not felt good for two days; from the looks of it, he's feeling quite well now and he'll want to stay up all night...GREAT. Jake's all sprawled out on the floor with his tummy full of pizza and trying to inform Anna of all her mistakes on the court; she's not paying any attention to him. Drew is laying on his bed, having stayed home today. He will be one of the focuses of my title tonight.
Last week, I had a full house. My dad and mom, brother and sister-n-law, niece and nephew drove eleven hours, over two days, from Kansas City. They arrived last Sunday evening and we were all fully anticipating an exciting week together. Well, true to the "curse" of our area, most of my relatives ended up sick at some point during the week. It started on Monday night when my niece awoke sometime during the early hours recycling her dinner all over Molly's bed. Funny thing, I'm a light sleeper and never heard a thing until I awoke on Monday to get Molly up for school and found our infamous vomit bucket at the end of the bed, having been used. ugh! I was slightly relieved to find out it wasn't one of mine sick, as we had just been through sickness the previous two to three weeks. I still felt plenty awful for my niece and her mom, of course. For the next couple of days, we went on trying to do our planned activities and just took the trusty vomit pail with us. Poor Ava. My mom and sister/law, Shellie, then came down with nasty sinus problems and we all were just trying to avoid getting sick at that point. Thanksgiving came and went, Ava was feeling better although a bit sluggish and Shellie and mom were pulling through. Friday morning I was awakened, all of a sudden, by my brother asking me which car rental place was closer to our house. I thought I was dreaming. My parents had decided to leave a day early since mom was gettting worse, and Mark was trying to find a car to stay one more day, as planned. Needless to say, the car rental agencies were less than accommodating on a last minute, holiday schedule and so they all packed up in less than an hour and were gone, just like that. It really sucked! But, it got worse! My dad, who was driving, ended up "recycling" on the second day of their trip home. Lucky for him, we had sent the old, trusty pail along just in case. Sorry, guys! We're just hoping that some day you'll come back.
I was just happy we had not caught any of the sick bugs apparently crawling all over my house. I stripped sheets and washed everything down with bleach wipes. We were out of harm's way. All of a sudden, early THIS morning I awaken to the worst sound in the world...crying, muffled by the sounds of "recycling", hitting the porcelain AND the wall AND the tile floor. Worse yet, it was Andrew. Andrew was just sick about three weeks ago and was out of school for a whole week with a grand entry into the emergency room with what we thought was appendicitus, and ended up only being a very bad case of constipation. Little known fact, appendicitus and constipation present with the very same symptoms. He was so sick previously that his dehydrated body didn't "lubricate" itself properly and he ended up doubled up in pain with abdominal cramps at 3 in the morning. After a whole night in emergency, several xrays and a CAT scan, it turned out he was impacted. Not a fun way for a six year old to learn that "if you cannot poop, you need to come tell mommy". He had no idea what constipation was; now he'll never forget. The good news? We received the insurance paperwork today...they paid for it all. Phew!
Long blog, huh? Making up for writer's block, lol. Zac, our youngest, is turning four next month. I was talking to him tonight and realized that all of a sudden, he's talking like an adult. It amazes me that those little brains of theirs can pick up so much information in so little time. They can learn a whole language and how to properly use it in around 2-3 years. The more kids you have, the bigger the words they use at an earlier age...like when Zac told us the other day that he was just exhausted. Funny and astounding at the same time. Is their anything else in life that is funny and astounding at the same time? I cannot think of any; but then, I have writer's block.